

03月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[外国人申请来华旅游签证是否需要邀请函]1、旅游签证都不需要邀请函。 2、旅游签证(tourist visa)是签证的一种,一般是为了方便游客而开发旅游资源而设立的一种快速办理签证方式,相应的,受限制也大,一般来说有效期和停留...+阅读


模版如下: 给签证官的信 March 12, 2015 United States Embassy of Beijing, China Nonimmigrant Visa Section No. 55 An Jia Lou Road, Beijing 100600, China Dear Consular Officer: My name is XXX. I am currently a second year graduate student in school of XXXX at Columbia University, in F-1 status. I would like to invite my father Mr. XXX and my mother Mrs. XXX to come to visit me in the United States. They will arrive at the U.S. in May and stay for three weeks. The purpose of their visit is to attend my graduation commencement on May 16th, 2012 at Columbia University in the New York City. After the commencement, we plan to take a short trip to Boston, Niagara Falls, and the Grand Canyon. They will support their travel fees as well as any other expenses in this trip. Host (Student) Information: Name: XXX Current Address: XXX Passport Number: XXX Valid until: XXX Current Immigration Status: F-1 Date of Initial Entry to the U.S.: XXX Relationship to guest: Child Visitor Information: Name: XXX Date of Birth: XXXXXX Place of Birth: XXX Passport Number: XXXXXXXXX Valid Until: XXXX Source of Funding During Stay in U.S.: Self Current Address: XXXXX Thank you for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone XXXXXXXXX or email to XXXXXX if you have any further questions. 给海关的信 March 12, 2015 To whom it may concern, My name is XXX. I am currently a second year graduate student in school of XXXX at Columbia University, in F-1 status. I would like to invite my father Mr. XXX and my mother Mrs. XXX to come to visit me in the United States. They will arrive at the U.S. in May and stay for three weeks. The purpose of their visit is to attend my graduation commencement on May 16th, 2012 at Columbia University in the New York City. After the commencement, we plan to take a short trip to Boston, Philadelphia, and the Grand Canyon. They will support their travel fees as well as any other expenses in this trip. Host (Student) Information: Name: XXX Current Address: XXX Passport Number: XXX Valid until: XXX Current Immigration Status: F-1 Date of Initial Entry to the U.S.: XXX Relationship to guest: Child Visitor Information: Name: XXX Date of Birth: XXXXXX Place of Birth: XXX Passport Number: XXXXXXXXX Valid Until: XXXX Source of Funding During Stay in U.S.: Self Current Address: XXXXX Your help in issuing them entry cards would be greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone XXXXXX or email to XXXXXX if you have any further questions. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, XXXXXX ___(签名)_______X


自己已经拿到了意大利的永久居留卡怎么样把父母申请到意大利通过提交家庭团聚的申请方式把年龄65岁以上的父母申请到意大利,此条件是父母在自己的国家没有其他子女或者他们的子女在本国没赡养老人的能力。 如果可以证明国内的父母是由...

怎么填写奥地利旅游签证申请表?如何办理奥地利签证加急1: 1。 外方资料.5cm。 4奥地利旅游签证材料清单、两张近照(彩照、在职证明.5x4: 学生及老人提供的材料。 2。 3、保险。 6: 个人材料、提供相关作品、完整的旅行路线: 1、由...

去澳大利亚旅游签证需要填写什么申请表办理时间: 至少需要20个工作日以上 有效期: 一年,以领馆签发为准 停留期: 三个月,以领馆签发为准 往返次数: 单次或多次入境 受理范围: 中国大陆护照持有者均可申请。在澳大利亚有...

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办理澳大利亚旅游签证申请表怎么填写签证表格需要注意事项大利亚签证 需要先填写申请表格,表格填写不准确就有可能导致拒签。因为澳大利亚签证官通过审核申请文件来决定是否给予申请人签证,基本上不给申请人面谈解释的机会。为此,许...

供应澳大利亚个人旅游签证申请表如何填写申请签证分为3步骤 1准备材料 2递交材料 3领取材料: 首先先说下材料:护照原件、户口本复印件、身份证复印件、在职证明、存款证明、 其次材料准备齐全后递交到相应的领馆(领馆...

请教关于填写意大利旅游签证申请表的几个问题如果你以前没有出过境,又是夫妻一同出去的,稳妥起见,建议参加旅游团,这样手续会简便很多. 你这种情况如果是自助游,手续很多,需要的证明文件很多,而且多半会被拒签. 有关填表: 一、...

澳洲旅游签证申请表填写 48R CHS表填写你准假信上批的时间肯定是要涵盖申请表上填的最早入境时间和最迟离镜时间的。一般来说,你找单位要准假信也是按照旅行时间来给的。所以最好和准假信上保持一致。 就算你现在...

办理澳大利亚旅游签证申请表怎么填写签证表格需要注意事项大利亚签证 需要先填写申请表格,表格填写不准确就有可能导致拒签。因为澳大利亚签证官通过审核申请文件来决定是否给予申请人签证,基本上不给申请人面谈解释的机会。为此,许...
