[求一篇英语毕业演讲稿]My teachers and fellow students In a couple of weeks,we'll say goodbye to our mother school.How time flies!Now It's really hard for me to put my feelings into w...+阅读
Dear Principal, teachers, parents and friends
Today we graduate
We'd like to give our thanks to all of you
Thank you Mommy and Daddy
For helping us get ready for school every day
Thank you Principal
For your kindness and love
Thank you teachers
For you wisdom, patience and caring
Thank you uncles and aunts
For taking care of us
We know we have not always been little angels
Thanks for teaching us
When we were naughty
We will miss you all
We will remember all the good times we have had together
Take care and goodbye
Take care and goodbye.
适合初三学生的演讲稿老师们,同学们: 大家好!绿色是什么的象征 绿色是生命的象征,绿色代表了希望.无法想象,如果有一天地球上没有了绿色,那人类的文明将会如何,到那时,也许只是灰飞烟灭,一切的一切都只会...
求一篇初三学生代表开学典礼演讲稿秋季亲爱的同学们、老师们: 在这金风送爽,碧空澄澈的初秋,我们怀着无比喜悦的心情迎来了新学期的到来。今天,我们全体师生在这里隆重举行新学期开学典礼。首先,我向一年来在教育教学...
求一篇英语演讲稿简单点适合大一学生如何成为一个有思想的人。 In my eyes, a person who has his own idea will be appreciated by others. However, how can we become a man with independent thought? 依我...
求一篇适合中学生演讲的美文漫漫人生路,拼搏过,失落过,笑过,哭过,怦然心动过,黯然神伤过。 体验自己的生活,记下我一直在追寻什么?人生得到什么?又正在失去什么?生活在这个纷繁的世界,面对紧张的工作,面对微妙的人...
求一篇适合少儿演讲的笑话故事一天, 老师走进课堂,学生们一齐起立喊:“老师早上好!” 老师愤愤地说:“只叫早上好?那我下午呢?难道就不好了吗?” 于是学生们又一齐喊:“老师下午好!” 老师说道:“坐下!今天我们要复习...
求一篇初三英语演讲稿以新年为主题快。。一、Chinese New Year I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good cloth...
求一篇初三毕业演讲稿800字以上各位敬爱的老师、同学们: 大家好! 今天我站在这里,代表全体初三毕业生向我们的母校告别,也向这段不能忘怀的岁月告别!三年的征途,是光荣的荆棘路,带着梦想与期待,我们一路走来。此时...
求一篇适合3 5分钟的英语小演讲Thanksgiving is coming, teachers allow students to draw a person like the Thanksgiving gift. Most of the children's pictures or feast of turkey are pumpkin ligh...
求一篇短小精悍的英语演讲适合初二Practice Makes Perfect 熟能生巧Practice makes perfect. It means that after you have plenty of practice in what you are doing, you will be perfect in it. He who...