
哪有好的高中英文演讲稿 ?

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[分享一个好的英文演讲稿格式]一个好的英文演讲稿格式是怎样的?请看下文。 How to begin (英语演讲)如何开头? 1.To tell a story (about yourself); 讲个(自己的)故事; 2. To acknowledge the occasion...+阅读

How about this topic: What I have learned from my friends首先谈谈"朋友"的功能或好处, 还有个性, 像你的哪个朋友很热心, 常帮助别人; 哪个朋友很善良, 每次有捐款救灾活动他都会出钱出力啦~; 哪个朋友很有耐心, 不厌其烦地帮你解决课业问题啦..哪个朋友很有幽默感, 当你难过的时候,总会让你再开心起来..等等...再说你从这些朋友身上学到了什麽, 应该有很内容可写的, 下面提供几个句型给你参考:I have learned from my friends ...that mends a quarrel both us.我从朋友那里已学到 , 修补与人之间 争执.I have learned from my friends...that dismisses a suspicion and replaces it with trust .我从朋友那里已学到, 以信任取代怀疑猜忌.I have learned from my friends...that encourages people around me with words or deeds .我从朋友那里已学到 , 话语 与 行为 鼓励我身边 的人I have learned from my friends...that if I were wrong, apologize, expresses my gratitude ....to everybodies .我从朋友那里已学到, 如果我有 错, 赶紧道歉 对周 围的人表 达感激.I have learned from my friends...that praises the wonder of the world. 我从朋友那里已学到, 赞美 这世界的奇妙I have learned from my friends...that I am very happy forever 我从朋友那里已学到永远 心 情快乐 .下面从网上抓下来的关於"全球暖化"的也不错, 参考看看Global Warmth In these years, Global Warmth has been a serious issue around the world. Many scientists has raised different opinions and solutions , but No one could have the exact answer for this question. The cause of Global Warmth is said related to CO2 and a hole on the sky. What could we do to better our planet. A scientist suggested that turning off air conditioning was not enough. it only reduce the output of CO2 but still make the situation worse if we do not reduce the CO2, which already exists. For short, we have to reduce more CO2 than the output. The scientist said plants, stone , soil and sea could absorb CO2 but took a long time to do it. One way we can do is not only turning off air conditioning but also plant more trees, keep our sea clean and reserve the nature as much as we can. Some scientists said there must be some way to fill the hole on the sky to protect earth from exposing to the sunshine directly. They tried to use chemicals sprayed on the sky but did not have much success. Global Warmth is a disaster from human beings. We try to build a convenient environment for ourself and sacrifice the nature. Now, we have to pay for it and hope that it is not too late!.


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