
求写一篇300字英语演讲稿:Stay hungry stay foolish

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[初中英语演讲稿 How to Stay Healthy]As we all know, healthy is very important to everybody.But do you really know how to stay healthy? Here are some useful tips. First, we should do exercise if we...+阅读

Stay hungry, stay foolish:

Some people are living like kings, but many others can hardy make ends meet. How? I mean why? Why can some make money so easily and others find it so hard? Is there a secret or do we have a choice? Of course there are secrets for making money and also everyone have choices too. The secret is to learn how to make money more easily, and this secret is not really a secret at all, but you just have to make yourself more learnt and equipped. Thus you would know many ways and capable of doing anything to make yourself very rich without going hungry any more. And your choices are either you learning hard in school and university or give up learning and go hungry later.

Nowadays, people don't just have to learn their own traditional mother languages any more. Since the world today is a multi-national community, they are financially inter-joined and have a common communicative language, which is English. If anyone wants to do well and catch up with this ever fast changing world. You must learn to adapt and the way to adapt is learning good English both spoken and written. Good thing is our country has provided English learning course from early school ages now, which are giving children a good opportunity to build a firm foundation with their English. Enable them to challenge world in later life. If you realise how important learning English is. Then you would certainly learn them quicker and have a brighter and prosperous future.

Follow the popularity of the Internet, We now can learn English not just from schools and colleges, but from the internet as well. By surfing the net there will be plenty of opportunities for you to pick up good English.

Well, what is your choice then? Would you choose to be successful and rich or stay hungry, and stay foolish?



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