

02月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[奥巴马宣誓就职仪式演讲]亲爱的同胞们: 今天我站在这里,为我们将面对的任重道远而慨叹。感谢你们对我寄托的信任,同时缅怀我们的前人所做出的牺牲。感谢布什总统为美国做出的贡献,以及他在总统任期交叠...+阅读

I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition. Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath. The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents. So it has been. So it must be with this generation of Americans. That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our healthcare is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet. These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics. Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land - a nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights. Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America - they will be met.



美国总统奥巴马就职演说中英文对照Barack Obama takes the Oath of Office as the 44th President of the United States as he is sworn in by US Chief Justice John Roberts with his wife Michelle by hi...


奥巴马就职讲演稿最经典一段话In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned. Our journey has never been one of short-cuts or se...

奥巴马就职演讲以下是奥巴马总统就职演说的中英文对照全文,中文由美国国务院国际信息局(IIP)根据演说记录稿翻译。 My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task before us,...

奥巴马演说集的读后感怎么写啊读 后 感 1演讲技术好,但内容更重要,演讲精神最重要 罗斯福说的可能没这么好,可他能化解危机,能负起世界反法西斯责任,话不多,句句良言,这篇演讲应该突出一下总统的责任。 华盛顿说...


奥巴马就职演讲稿My fellow citizens: 我的同胞们: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our...

奥巴马就职演讲读后感读 后 感 1演讲技术好,但内容更重要,演讲精神最重要 罗斯福说的可能没这么好,可他能化解危机,能负起世界反法西斯责任,话不多,句句良言,这篇演讲应该突出一下总统的责任。 华盛顿说...
