

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[细节决定成败]关于细节问题的演讲稿,有本站推荐 亲爱的朋友们: 大家好! 泰山不拒细壤,故能成其高,江海不择细流,故能成其深。麦当劳关注食品制作的每一个细节,取得巨大成功,巴林银行忽视了一个极...+阅读

our whole environment is simply an accumulation of tiny details.Although we measure our lives in years, hours, minutes and seconds"The magic behind every outstanding performance is always found in the smallest of details."If you long to accomplish great and noble tasks, you first must learn to approach every task as though it were great and noble;re encouraged to ignore, unimportant or inconsequential. Even the biggest project depends on the success of the smallest components. Every action-every detail of our lives--has bottom-line repercussions, and it's dangerous and derogatory to think of any of those details as trivial. But, in fact, we live them in days.

仅供参考 Happy New Year to you.Many people downplay small details, dismissing them as minutia-the "small stuff," that we'


以慎独为题写一篇作文 800字左右“慎独” 现实生活中,常有这样的现象:在众人面前讲究卫生,独自一人时就随地吐痰,乱扔废弃物;有警察时遵守交通法规,一旦路口无人值守就闯红灯;在自己熟悉的集体中谦恭有礼,一旦置身...

以让读书成为种习惯为题写一份演讲稿一百字左右让阅读成为习惯 蓝天是雄鹰的知音,江海是大川的知音,而阅读是我们心灵深处的知音…… 人类进步的阶梯、人生的良师益友——书籍,让我们尽情地沐浴在书香中。人生之路漫漫,当我们...

以如何培养创新思维为题写一篇英语作文120字左右No air means death. Although we can't see it, there is air round us.So air is everywhere and it gives life to every living thing. Without it we can't live. Bad...

以No pains no gains为题写一篇英语作文 50字左右No pains,no gains.If we want be sucessful,we have to make efforts everyday.Practice makes perfect,we should work very hard and then we can get what we want. The...




以生命在于运动为题写一篇作文字数不超过三百字生命对于我们每一个人来说都是宝贵的,但也是脆弱的。珍惜生命。保持健康的身体,就离不开运动,生命在于运动,运动在于锻炼,锻炼贵在坚持,坚持就会胜利。 小区里每天大清早就已经有...

