
以if i were a millionaire的演讲稿英文稿

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[民以德治家国以税兴邦]民以德治家国以税兴邦 尊敬的各位领导、各位朋友和主持人: 阳光、空气、花园、大地,我们渴望时刻置身其中。工作、家庭、社会、和平,我们期冀能够安身立命!亲人、朋友、友爱、幸...+阅读

What would you do if you were a million-

aire? Many people would buy a house or

travel the world. As for me, I would start a

school. If I had a school, I would be able to

educate many children and teach them right

from wrong. Anyone will tell you that chil-

dren are a country's future. If my dream

comes true, I will be very happy because I

will be doing my country a good service


以德治家国以税兴邦尊敬的各位领导、各位朋友和主持人: 阳光、空气、花园、大地,我们渴望时刻置身其中。工作、家庭、社会、和平,我们期冀能够安身立命!亲人、朋友、友爱、幸福,我们祈求拥有永恒!天,...

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