
英语辩论赛题目 nature disaster is more horrible than mam

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[中学生英语辩论赛题目大全]TOPICS 1. Advertising plays a negative role in our society 2. The hukou policy is still relevant in China. 3. The cigarette industry brings more advantages than...+阅读

This house believes that natural disasters are more horrible than man-made disasters because of a number of reasons. Firstly, natural disasters are unpredictable. Although some scientists know that some natural disasters might occur in a certain area, they don't know when exactly they are going to happen. This means that people cannot protect themselves easily against natural disasters, whereas people can easily run away when a manmade disaster such as a war takes place. For example, the Sichuan earthquake that happened last year was very sudden. No one knew it until millions of people were injured and thousands killed. Secondly, natural disasters are harder for us to understand than man-made ones. This is because we do not have a great understanding of nature so far. Therefore once a natural disaster such as a new disease takes place, we would have to investigate for a long time before we can find away to stop it. And by the time we found the solution, people will already be harmed. For example, the H1N1 virus at the moment. Thirdly, natural disasters occur more often and affect more people than man-made disasters. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions kill thousands of people in seconds. Although some manmade disasters like wars kill more people, they do not happen very often whereas there are a few earthquakes every single year. This year, the Sumatran earthquakes and tsunamis did a huge damage to the area both physically and economically. The economical damage will affect India for the next few years. Conclusion, natural disasters are more horrible than man-made disasters because they happen more often, affect more people in a longer period of time and is not predictable and some unstoppable.


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