

02月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[情人节祝福语二祝贺语]爱, 需要以时光的推移来做验证. 是的,时光推移一分,我对你的爱增长一寸. 我从灵魂深处爱你,我愿意把生命交给你,由你接受多少就多少,当初是这样,现在也决不变更! 我给你的一...+阅读


Thank you for being my friend and being aroundteaching me the meaning of loveEncouraging me when I need a shoveBut most of all thank you forLoving me who I amSweet heartMy thoughts are deep into youFrom the moment that I wake upAnd to the whole day throughThank you for standing behind meIn all that I doI hope you're as happy with meAs I am with youIt's your loving and your caringAnd knowing that you're nearThat gentle touch you haveMake my troubles disappearRose is redViolet is blueAnd you are sweet as candyIf I could save time in a bottleThe first thing that I'd like to doIs to save everyday until eternity passes awayJust to spend them with youIf I could make days last foreverIf words could make wishes come trueI'd save everyday like a treasureAnd then again I would spend them with you...


I can be myself when I am with you.和你在一起的时候我才是真正的自己。>02You and me together, we can make magic.我们两个一起可以创造奇迹。>03Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead.你的爱让我相信我们的未来会更好。>04Your undying faith is what keeps the flame out of love alive.你永恒的信任让我们的爱火永不熄灭。>05Every time I look at you, my heart misses a beat.每次看着你,我的心都会漏跳一拍。>06Sending you a kiss to say I'm glad that you are mine. Happy the day!送你一个吻,悄悄的说我很高兴你是我的。情人节快乐!>07You mean everything to me. Please say yes.Happy Valentine's Day, Honey!你是我生命的全部。请说你愿意。情人节快乐,我亲爱的。>08May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. Happy Valentine's Day Honey!愿情人节带给我们丘比特之爱和暖融融的浪漫。

情人节快乐!>09You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms. I can't let you go. Happy Valentine's Day.你走出了我的梦,投入我的怀里。我不能让你走。情人节快乐。>10I didn't think that I could ever trust happiness. Then I met you.我一直不相信有真正的“幸福”,直到不久以后,我邂逅了你。亲爱的,情人节快乐。>11真诚,不必隐藏,把所有的话语,都写在那小小的贺卡上。祝我心爱的人,情人节快乐。Be genuine and conceal noting.I write every wiod I wand to say on this small card.I wish my honey a happy Valentine's day.>12我一直不相信有真正的“幸福”,直到不久以后,我邂逅了你。亲爱的,情人节快乐。I didn't think that I could ever trust happiness. Then I met you.Happy Valenti ne's Day, Dear.>13愿情人节带给我们丘比特之爱和暖融融的浪漫。情人节快乐!May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. Happy Valentine's Day Honey!>14送你一个吻,悄悄的说我很高兴你是我的。

情人节快乐!Sending you a kiss to say I'm glad that you are mine. Happy the day!>15我俩的爱,一年比一年更坚定。亲爱的,情人节快乐。Our love grows stronger with every passing year. Happy Valentine's Day, sweetie.>16我想在情人节紧握你的手。亲爱的,情人节快乐。I want to hold your hand on Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day, sweetie.>17情人节快乐!Happy Valentine's Day!!




Your impression has been etched deeply in my heat.

2. 一生只爱你一人。

All my life, I'll only love you.

你也可以这样说:You are the love of me.

You wii always be the only for me.

3. 因为有你,我的生命充满了希望。

Because of you, my life is filled with hope.

4. 爱情令人盲目。

5.Love is blind.

情人眼里出西施in love you are perfect。


情人节祝福语短信祝贺语-老公(老婆):愿我们的爱情永远像幽淡的清茶、香浓的咖啡、浪漫的红酒、热烈的伏特加那样多姿多彩, 让人回味... -春风如梦,风过无痕,只为心的思念,遥寄一份浓浓的祝福。你的肌肤是...

情人节祝福语祝贺语虽然这个情人节我不能和你一起度过,不能送给你早应该属于你的玫瑰花,但是我会用我对你的爱去浇灌这火红的玫瑰花,等你来拿!! 有情之人,天天是节。一句寒暖,一线相喧;一句叮咛,一笺相...


2007七夕情人节祝福语2007七夕情人节祝福语 星星如果能读懂此刻的心,月亮如果能明了此刻的情,愿天下有情人终成眷属! 我们的网络爱情就是从今天开始的!真的好甜蜜!希望每一个中式情人节,你都会在我的身...

情人节祝福语情人节祝福语 、爱你就是这么莫名其妙,就是这么义无返顾,我知道我不会是你今生的唯一,但你却是我一生的最爱!祝你情人节快乐 爱你没商量 爱你是我一生无悔的决定,漫天星星都是我...

七夕情人节祝福语七夕情人节祝福语 天上牛郎织女来相会,地下多情人儿共祈爱情永恒不渝。 你我鹊桥边,相对两无言,温情融天际,爱意永缠绵。 我是董郎,你是仙女,愿天天是七夕,岁岁共婵娟。 面对你默默...

情人节祝福话语2、忘不了的是你的调侃,抛不去的是我的思念,能寄去的是我的祝福,祝福你情人节快乐! 3、情人佳节迎喜气,新老情人都爱你;两手相牵不背弃,两心合一利断金;小小情人甜如蜜,幸福健康保佑...

情人节英文寄语你走出了我的梦,投入我的怀里。我不能让你走。情人节快乐。 You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms. I cant let you go. Happy Valentines Day. 我一直不相信有真...

情人节寄语英文May our love will last forever. 愿我俩的爱情永远不变! As always ,I hope the sweetheart festival to be joyful! 一如既往的我,愿情人节快乐! I want to hold your hand...
