

05月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[以梦想为主题的演讲稿3篇]树立信念,让青春开花,放飞梦想,让青春飞翔,我要为自己的青春梦想勇往直前。现在就来看看小编为你整理的以梦想为主题的演讲稿,欢迎阅读。 以梦想为主题的演讲稿 篇【1】 尊...+阅读


National College Entrance Examination (NCEE)

The past two days are special for the 7.23 million examinees and their parents. It is the National College Entrance Examination (Gaokao in Chinese). Based on the current education system in China, the result of the two day exam greatly impacts the future of any students in China. The score will decide whether you can receive college education. For most places in China, only half of the students are eligible for college education (only 3.40 million will be admitted to colleges in 2003) and the rest has to start work after high-school. In cities like Beijing and Shanghai, students are lucky enough to have a much higher ratio (more than 70%) to enter colleges.

Tsinghua, Peking University, Fudan University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University are among the first class in China. But only very few people can go there.

To enter a college or not, or to enter a good college or not directly impact the first offer they can get after graduate and impact their career. So it is the most critical time for students.

Isaac recorded the "No Honking During Gaokao" sign. I saw the same sign near Henan Rd. and Zhaojiabang Rd.. Not only honking is not allowed. All construction sites around schools were ordered to work in limited time in the recent 10 days. Thousands of policemen are working around schools to make sure there is no noise or traffic jam during the two important days. Taxi drivers even offer free ride to transport examinees and their family.


What is friendship? It is to relate with somebody without need for money or objective. It is to need emotion and over wealth is friendship , no matter what their background , age , sex or personality.

Friendship can be pure. We hear , nowdays, however, how one can be cheated by friends. Many people get along with someone because they have a lot of money. It is doultful that is real friendship.

Having friends, one can be find happiness. If you are in trouble your friends will help you through or at least comfort you. When you are happy , they share it with you. They are also there for you to chat with at any time.

It is a wonderful feeling, as the proverb says" to love each other is easy but to make frieds is hard", So, it is crutial that we should get along with our friends. In my opinon ,it is a shame to deceive your friends . The world would be more beautiful if it was full of filled with friendship

翻译:友谊是什么?友谊是一种不需要钱或者物质来维持的人与人之间的关系。无论人们的背景 年龄 性别或者个性怎样,友谊的维系需要感情多过财富。





"Let's move! Let's move! Move your head, move your body! Move your arms to your fingers, move your legs to your toes! " Have you ever jumped on the floor of gym doing workouts till sweating from head to to缉弧光旧叱搅癸些含氓es? Yes? Good on you! No? That's what you will need for a better health! Nowadays, people averagely spend more time sitting down than getting up and moving around. Researches show that people are more overweight or obese now than before.This is because we simply consume more calories from food and exercise less in our daily life. Obesity is on the fast speed crossing the boundary of age, culture and nationality. Obesity can lead to a number of serious heath issues, like heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, stroke and so forth. Sadly, it has become a single biggest threat to public health. So how we overcome the problem has an urgent and imperative role in our health. Let's move, let's exercise! We should not just do it for ourself, but we should do it for our children and generations to come. Come on, Let's move!

紧急征求高中英语演讲稿范文题目是:Action is more than everything

我来帮你写吧!我也很喜欢演讲,呵呵,我帮你写!Nowdays,there seems to appear a strange trend which is now very common in our daily life. Some people intend to just thinkingbut never realizing their ideas.These guys keeps talking all day long.They seldom talk measures to let it come ture but only like directing others.Of course these man may have some good ideas or thoughts but the idea was only in his mind.So it never works in our problem. Just as the proverb told us: action is stronger than words.Problems can be solved with our action but not by our thoughts.But action should be combined with ideas. Our work is to find a better balance between the two poles of action and mind.We will achieve our success when we blend these two things! Thanks! 差不多五分钟左右,祝你演讲成功哦!呵呵,谢谢,祝好运!


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