

05月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[竞选数学代表的发言稿]尊敬的老师和同学们: 大家好! 我是xxx,今天我想竞选的是数学代表这一职位。 一直以来,我对数学充满热情,我在奥林匹克数学竞赛中获得了许多奖项,学好数学一直是我的目标,今天我终...+阅读


Respected teacher, dear schoolmates:


I named XX, I like singing, dancing, special skill English, music.This time, I must campaign for the position is class in English representative.

I like English, the result am am among the best in the class.Sometimes even plays plays I all to play English, although some I cannot read, but the take your time, always can learn.Also, these years I continuously all was class in English representative, had some experiences, I had the responsibility, have ability to complete my in one's power work for English teacher.

If I have worked as class in English representative, first I could compared to before even more diligently, caused schoolmates even more to trust me, moreover, before, some many schoolmates had the opinion to me, said I could not work as good this class in English representative, this time, I could use the practical action to prove oneself: I can work as good this class in English representative.

I can lead everybody to carry on some about English activity, for instance said: In January summarizes, the unit summary and so on.We may reconsidering forms and so on make the tabloid, write to carry out each subject activity, I believed, under mine leadership, our class's English result meets the straight line rise!

Even if I do not work as class in English representative, I cannot be discouraged, still can continue to help everybody, asks everybody to throw my ticket!

My speech finished, thanks everybody! 我自己用英语写了篇,希望能帮到你




Respected teacher, dear schoolmates:


I named XX, I like singing, dancing, special skill English, music.This time, I must campaign for the position is class in English representative.

I like English, the result am am among the best in the class.Sometimes even plays plays I all to play English, although some I cannot read, but the take your time, always can learn.Also, these years I continuously all was class in English representative, had some experiences, I had the responsibility, have ability to complete my in one's power work for English teacher.

If I have worked as class in English representative, first I could compared to before even more diligently, caused schoolmates even more to trust me, moreover, before, some many schoolmates had the opinion to me, said I could not work as good this class in English representative, this time, I could use the practical action to prove oneself: I can work as good this class in English representative.

I can lead everybody to carry on some about English activity, for instance said: In January summarizes, the unit summary and so on.We may reconsidering forms and so on make the tabloid, write to carry out each subject activity, I believed, under mine leadership, our class's English result meets the straight line rise!

Even if I do not work as class in English representative, I cannot be discouraged, still can continue to help everybody, asks everybody to throw my ticket!

My speech finished, thanks everybody!


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