

05月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[电力营销部演讲稿我微笑,是为了您的微笑]各位领导、各位评委、来宾们、朋友们:大家好! 很荣幸我能有这样的机会参加今天的演讲。我叫倪嘉,是武夷山市供电有限公司营销部收费班组的一名员工,今天,我的演讲题目是“我微笑,...+阅读


The Power Of A Smile (微笑的力量)MMM | July 11, 2007 – 11:04 am | So many people underestimate the power and importance of a smile, that simple little facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth. A smile has many meanings: pleasure, friendliness, welcome, amusement, and many more; and it is part of a universal body language that doesn't need any extra interpretation. Plus a smile, with all its simplcity and beauty, can be a very important factor in many aspects of our lives: - You fall in love with a new country you visit because its people greet you with a welcoming smile everywhere you go; other countries you just don't like even though they might have more history, nature, entertainment and whatnot because their people don't seem so friendly or accepting. - You feel like buying from a certain store when the vendor welcomes you in with a smile, sometimes even if you wouldn't intially have bought anything; and in other stores, even though they have exactly what you need or better, you decide to walk away because the vendor doesn't look welcoming at all. - You want to give a waiter a good tip when he serves you with a smile, even if the food turns out not that good; on the other hand, sometimes you'll have some of the best food ever, but you won't feel like giving the waiter a tip, even if you do, because he was grumpy. More and more examples from our everyday life show how much a simple smile can change everything. Forever engraved in my mind will be the smiling faces of the people of Thailand, the friendly pizza delivery boy, the welcoming supermarket vendor, the nice cashier at the bank, …etc. It is these smiles that keep me wanting to go back, and that keep us all wanting to go back; looking at it from another view, if we break it down using business sense, a smile is one of the most effective means to generate sales and develop customer loyalty. On top of all that, a smile is a very simple and easy thing to do, so it amazes why no one bothers to do it, it not only makes the person in front of you better, but it also makes you feel better as well, and I'm not making this up, it has been psychologically proven. Personally, I'd like to see more smiling faces in this world; in the airports when I enter a new country, in companies, government agencies, restaurants, hotels, banks, everywhere; and I think it is up to governments to campaign about this, and even make it obligatory in certain important places like airports, hospitals, hotels…etc. Let's all simply smile. 这篇演讲稿运用了大量高级词汇,如请加最佳。


smile to life小学四年级英语演讲稿

smiles send us light in the darkness.

smiles bring us warm sunlight at a cold winter day.

smiles can break the hard ice.

smiles are like the rainbow.The rain day ends and the sky is beautiful again.

smiles show love and friendship.

teacher's smiles encourage us.

mother's smiles warm us.

friend's smiles make us closer.

we welcome smiles from others, and we should give others our smiles,too. No one is richer than the man who often smile at others.If a man doesn't smile at you,just smile at him.

smiles help you forget your sadness.life is a long road. why not cover it with smiles?


Smile, just walk through streams, gentle and quiet; smile, like that of a knife hanging moon, the bright light; a smile, that they like the tall pines, the worth of power savings ...... If we say that a force can make people perseverance, it is power of a smile; If we say that a force can make people confident, that power of a smile; If we say that a force can make a warm heart , that is the power of a smile. A smile is the most direct expression between people, is the most direct way to convey feelings. Smile, a simple action, was able to give comfort strength to move forward, living the faith and soul. "Hello, what do ah," "Hello, what you want to help," entered the Xinjiekou police station reception hall, listening to the words of a caring, watching the police smiling, either no money to go home, anxious to help the beleaguered masses, or just been Touledongxi, gas incoherent owner will unconsciously slow down even further with a smile, calmly listening to the police to explain and help . Difficulties resolved, leaving the smile did not forget to say thank you, It is this simple shallow smile, he served as a bridge between us and strangers, so that others feel the confidence and play, but also more determined they "Ask a police officer for help of" faith. Western proverb, "Only with a smile speaking people can take a leading role." Visible power of a smile is huge. Some might say, it is because a smile is required to work for you, if you do not laugh, you work hard to carry out, and even criticized the leadership, more serious, a little bad attitude, there will be complaints of the masses. In fact, no matter what role we act as in life, in which case, the smile is like a medicine, does anyone have side effects. Because everyone believe a word, it is "better to laugh than cry." It has been said:. "Sunshine and flowers in philosophical smile, the desolation and pain in the pessimistic sigh," there is no time to smile, only sigh of anguish. "Life is like a wonderful journey, it is important that the process rather than results." Therefore, the same journey, the same end, we do not need all the way frown, moan and groan all the way, but there is no need for sadness in my heart tightly locked, Please give yourself a smile, but also a smile to others, because a smile can be resolved sad hearts, people open my heart, eliminate heart disease, but also to re-establish confidence in the people, forget temporary decline. Let us keep smile! Let's slightly upturned mouth, over time, we would like that bent the arc, but will prefer it conveys the kind of power.

英语演讲稿smile to

smile to life

Saying goodbye to violence,forget sorrow forget pain begin with me for peace !I love the earth with no pollution including rubbish smoke and noise, begin with me for environment protection .be patient with everybody no matter who you are what your background and where you are from begin with me for being patient ,smile to you, smile to me, smile to us,smile to your parents,smile to your teacher ,smile to life!so much for this ,thanks!




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