[国旗下的讲话对自己负责对集体负责]文章标题:国旗下的讲话对自己负责对集体负责 对自己负责,莫让青春沾染尘埃;对集体负责,誓为学校争光添彩各位老师,同学们:今天我讲话的题目是《对自己负责,莫让青春沾染尘埃;对集体...+阅读
对steve jobs在斯坦福大学演讲的理解的英语作文 100字给力的加
After experiencing the life journey with Steve Jobs by listening to his speech in Stanford in 2005, my tears started falling down. The vital three parts of his life in the speech impressed me and made me rethink the true value of life. In the first part, he made choices which seems to be unbelievably stupid to most of us. However, he survived and thrived. Therefore, no matter what we have chosen, for better or worse, we have to trust it and believe that everything is gonna(going to) be better. Secondly, he taught me to hope. There always gonna(going to) be downs in life, it is same for everyone. But the difference is what we gonna(going to) do about it. The answer of him is to hope, to believe. So under his encouragement, I will never give up and never let go. Last but definately not the least, I learnt to love what I do and do what I love. According to him, this seems to be the only way to stay in the stage with a happy life. So, started from today, I will keep my eyes open and follow the spirit of Steve Jobs, stay hungry, stay foolish. (不知道够不够, 写的大部分都是感触)
一篇关于steven jobs英语作文。50字左右谢谢
Steve Jobs is the CEO of Apple,which he co-founded in 1976. Apple is leading the consumer technology world with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store,its family of iPod media players and iTunes media store,and its Mac computers and iLife and iWork application suites. Apple recently introduced the iPad,a breakthrough Internet and digital media device,plus the iBookstore,alongside iTunes and the App Store. Steve also co-founded and was the CEO of Pixar Animation Studios ,which created some of the most successful and beloved animated films of all time including Toy Story ,A Bug's Life,Monsters,Inc.,Finding Nemo,The Incredibles,Cars and Ratatouille. Pixar merged with The Walt Disney Company in 2006 and Steve now serves on Disney's board of directors. Steve grew up in the apricot orchards which later became known as Silicon Valley,and still lives there with his family....
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对steve jobs在斯坦福大学演讲的理解的英语作文 100字给力的加After experiencing the life journey with Steve Jobs by listening to his speech in Stanford in 2005, my tears started falling down. The vital three parts of his...