

12月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[广播稿—全国爱牙日专题]A:亲爱的老师,同学们大家早上好!雏鹰广播站现在开始播音。我是***,今天和我一起为大家广播的是***同学。 B:大家好,我是***。今天是9月20日,全国爱牙日。 口腔健康是全身健康的重...+阅读












万圣夜的主要活动是“不给糖就捣乱”。小孩装扮成各种恐怖样子,逐门逐户按响邻居的门铃,大叫:"Trick or Treat!"(意思是不请客就捣乱),主人家便会拿出一些糖果、巧克力或是小礼物。

“Trick or Treat” .9xwang. 游戏起源于爱尔兰。古代的爱尔兰异教徒相信,在万圣节前夜鬼魂会群集于居家附近,并接受设宴款待。因而,在“宴会”结束后,村民们就自己扮成鬼魂精灵,游走村外,引导鬼魂离开,避邪免灾。同时村民们也都会在屋前院后的摆放些水果及其他食品,喂足鬼魂,使它们不会伤害人类和动物、或者掠夺其他收成。后来这一习俗一直延续下来,就成了孩子们取笑不慷慨之商家或家庭的“Trick or Treat”游戏。



A: Dear teacher, classmates Good morning everyone! The Foal Eagle radio stations now on the air. I *** with me today and broadcast *** classmates. B: Hello, everybody, today is October 31, Halloween, also known as Halloween, Halloween given on October 31 each year, is a traditional festival of the English-speaking countries, mainly popular in North America, the British Isles, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. More than two thousand years ago, the Catholic Church in Europe as "All Saints Day on November 1. Legend since 500 BC, the Celts living in Ireland, Scotland Alliance orchids, this festival is moved forward a day, that is October 31. They think that day is the summer formal end of the day, is the beginning of a harsh winter day. When people believe that the spirits of the enemy on this day in the living body back to the former residence to find creatures to regeneration, and this is the only hope after death to get renewable. Alive fear the dead soul to e and take away students, so people on the day to put out the fire, candlelight, dead soul can not find the living, gets himself dressed as ghosts and goblins to scare away the Souls of the dead. After that, they will fire candlelight renewed, began the new year of life. To the 1st century AD, the Romans Celtic tribes occupied the territory gradually accepted the Halloween customs, but has since abolished the barbaric practice of burning human sacrifice of the dead. Romans celebrate the harvest festival and Celtic ceremony bined with wearing scary masks, dressed as animals or ghosts, is to get rid of the demons wandering around them. This is, most people in the world today dressed weird, to celebrate the origin of Halloween. The passage of time, the meaning of Halloween gradually since the change to a more positive and happy festive imply became mainstream. Dead soul back to the world to find a substitute argument has gradually been abandoned and fotten. Today, a symbol of Halloween image, picture, such as witches, black cats and other large has friendly cute and funny face. Halloween theme of ghosts, scary, black and orange are the traditional colors of Halloween. Modern Halloween products also used a lot of purple, green and red. Autumn elements such as pumpkin and scarecrow, has also bee a symbol of Halloween. Jack Light is the most well-known symbols of Halloween. In the UK and Ireland, the locals originally lighted candles in hollowed out turnip caused Jack Light, but emigrated to the United States soon pumpkin instead, because Japan pumpkin carving patterns above. Many families face scary pumpkins engred on the class of the entrance, the traditional approach is to scare away demons or monsters. Pumpkin orange, orange has bee the traditional Halloween colors. With pumpkin carving pumpkin lanterns is a Halloween tradition, its history can be traced back to Ireland. Legend has it that a man named Jack who was so stingy, and therefore death can not enter heen, and make fun of the devil because he could not enter hell, so he can only lantern wandering until Judgement Day. So Jack and his lantern became a symbol of a damned soul. Now, if jack-o'-lantern on Halloween night people hang in the windows that those people wearing Halloween costumes can e knocking at the door to mischief want candy. Pumpkin lights, often people put candles or some candy will be. Halloween activities "do not give candy to make trouble. Children to dress up as terrorist looks like, from door to door rang a neighbor's doorbell, shouting: "Trick or Treat!" (Meaning trick or treat), the host family will e up with some candy, chocolates or a small gift . "Trick or Treat" game originated in Ireland. Ancient the Irish pagans believe, on Halloween, the ghost will cluster around at home and accept hosted a dinner. Thus, after the end of the "banquet", the villagers himself the ghost of the wizard, walk outside the village, to guide the ghosts to lee evil to oid disaster. Villagers will also be placed in the house front yard after some fruits and other food, feed enough ghost, so they will not harm humans and animals, or plunder other harvests. Later, this custom has continued down, became kids make fun of "Trick or Treat" Game of the generous businesses or families. Halloween spread to today has absolutely no religious superstition, it became a children's program, but also young people masquerade program. There are a lot of people see this as the end of the autumn and winter and the arrival of Westerners a very ordinary seasonal festivals. Halloween is over, people began to look forward to Thanksgiving, Christmas and even New Year. Students, you people on Halloween understanding of it? Broadcast today, I will introduce here, classmates, goodbye!


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