

12月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英国首相布莱尔2003年新年贺词]英国首相布莱尔2003年新年贺词 名人演讲稿 NewYearistraditionallyatimeentinourmunitieswithfamiliesandfriends.It'satimeforcelebration.Andatimeforreflection.Myowntho...+阅读

in 2009 we said goodbye to harry patch, the last survivor of the generation of soldiers who risked their lives for britain in the great war. as we mourned him, we remembered too all those who he laid down their lives in the defence of this country we love.

last year was particularly tough for our forces in afghanistan, and we face some more difficult months ahead. in late december we were reminded at this decade’s end, just as we were at its beginning, that there is a terrorist threat which puts our safety and security at risk and which requires us to take on al qaeda and the taliban at the epicentre of global terrorism - which is the mountains of afghanistan and pakistan.

and while progress is difficult, i am working every day and will continue to step up our efforts with no let-up to disrupt the ability of terrorists to mount attacks on britain, and to work with other countries to prevent terrorism on our streets. this will he my relentless focus in 2010, just as afghanistan will he. we will steadily be giving more control of afghanistan to afghan troops and police.

as we enter a new decade, i will continue to do what is necessary to protect and improve this great country in the interests of all the people of britain.

in my life, i he learnt that there are only really two kinds of people - those who think things can never change, and those who believe they he to. and i think the vast majority of people are in the second camp. we are a nation that looks to the future, bining responsibility with fairness, passion with aspiration - always reaching higher, dreaming bigger, aiming for even greater things.

there are some who say we must plan for a decade of austerity. if that happened it would also be a decade of unfairness where, while the privileged few can protect themselves, the majority lose out. i believe we can create a new decade of prosperity with opportunities fairly shared amongst all those who work hard and play by the rules. that is why we are fighting so hard to secure and sustain britain’12全文查看s recovery.

the last 18 months he been difficult, and too many people were hit by a crisis that originated in the us housing market and then came rolling across the atlantic towards us - a crisis that hit britain hard because the financial sector is such an important part of our economy. but this is a nation of fighters and believer

s who meet each challenge with strength and sacrifice. we fought back against recession because we stood together and did not lee people isolated to face a difficult future on their own.

britain has learnt the bitter lessons of previous recessions - and that’s why this government was not prepared to see whole munities decimated by worklessness, with towns losing not just their ines but their identities. we were not willing to lose a generation of young people to unemployment, with their hopes shattered even before their life’s journey had begun. and we were not going to tolerate decent people doing an honest days work losing their businesses and their family homes because it was impossible for them to make ends meet. and so we chose to intervene and not pass on by - and if the experience of the last recession had been repeated, people’s chances of hing a job would he been four times worse after they became unemployed, repossessions twice as bad and pany insolvencies two and a half times worse.

the decisions taken by alistair darling and all the ministers of this government he meant that we he already seen off the worst of the recession. there is no denying it has been painful for some - and there are still tough times ahead.

but we can be incredibly proud that britain’s dynamic entrepreneurs he defied the recession to start up nearly half a million new businesses. there are now three million british businesses - more than at any point since records of this began in the 1980s, and fewer businesses closed in 2009 than in 2008.

and i am confident that if we continue with the tough decisions we he made, unemployment will start to drop this year, and more small businesses will open and flourish.

that wasn’t inevitable; it was the change we chose. and so my message today is simple; don’t wreck the recovery. the recovery is still fragile, and it needs to be nurtured in the interests of those who were hit hardest by the recession - the people on middle and modest ines who don’t want any special fours - they simply want a bit of help to own their own home, set up their own businesses and give their children the best start in life.

because everyone who is willing to work hard and aim high deserves a fair shot at meeting their aspirations. my whole life in politics has been about trying to provide a ladder of opportunity, so that what matters is not where you e from but what you he to contribute. and that is the vision that will guide this government in the tough decisions ahead.

so let me talk to you about my key priorities for the ing year - about how we will secure the recovery and make the new decisions of this new decade. my first priority is securing that recovery. the second is radical improvement and reform of our public services, protecting frontline spending on schools, hospitals and the police. the third is a new, cleaned up politics. and the fourth is maintaining britain’s global strength and fulfilling our responsibilities against the terrorist threat in afghanistan and across the wider world.

even as we take the tough decisions to halve the deficit, we can still invest in britain’s future. i say this because britain is too great a country with so much potential - and people with such high aspirations - that in the ing decade we must not settle for anything less than big ambitions.

we are determined to reduce the deficit at a responsible pace, without choking off the recovery or damaging the frontline services the mainstream majority rely on. and so our strategy is to go for growth, because we want to build our country up, not talk britain down. later this week we will be publishing the first part of our prosperity plan for a successful, fairer and more responsible britain: a plan detailing how we will invest in the industries and jobs of the future. from high speed rail to aerospace to the digital economy to clean energy to advanced manufacturing. 2010 is when we will get britain moving forward again.

and we will continue our relentless reform of public services to ensure they always deliver the best for you and your family- not uniform services, but personal services, tailored to your need and your aspirations. so whether creating a national care service for the elderly, giving a guarantee of early cancer diagnosis or driving up standards in primary schools with more one-to-one tuition and pulsory modern languages, we will always ensure you get the individual, excellent services you need to make the most of life.

and i know that those who work hard each and every day for everything they get were rightly appalled at some of the abuse of mps’ expenses. so i am determined that this year we will renew faith in our democracy with constitutional reform.

and we can all be proud that at the g20 britain was able to negotiate a worldwide deal that secured british jobs. that was a direct result of the government choosing internationalism over isolationism - and it is this strategy that means we are also able to cooperate with president obama on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and with our european neighbours and others on defeating catastrophic climate change.

so those are my priorities. my belief is that this is going to be a great decade for a great nation. if we continue to make the right decisions to unleash all the talent that is to be found in these islands, we he much to look forward to - and you and your families he my warm best wishes for the year ahead.


in 2009 w sid oodby o hrry pch, h ls survivor of h nrion of soldirs who riskd hir livs for briin in h r wr. s w mournd him, w rmmbrd oo ll hos who hv lid down hir livs in h dfnc of his counry w lov.

ls yr ws priculrly ouh for our forcs in fhnisn, nd w fc som mor difficul monhs hd. in l dcmbr w wr rmindd his dcd’s nd, jus s w wr is binnin, h hr is rroris hr which pus our sfy nd scuriy risk nd which rquirs us o k on l qd nd h libn h picnr of lobl rrorism - which is h mounins of fhnisn nd pkisn.

nd whil prorss is difficul, i m workin vry dy nd will coninu o sp up our ffors wih no l-up o disrup h biliy of rroriss o moun cks on briin, nd o work wih ohr counris o prvn rrorism on our srs. his will hv my rlnlss focus in 2010, jus s fhnisn will hv. w will sdily b ivin mor conrol of fhnisn o fhn roops nd polic.

s w nr nw dcd, i will coninu o do wh is ncssry o proc nd improv his r counry in h inrss of ll h popl of briin.

in my lif, i hv lrn h hr r only rlly wo kinds of popl - hos who hink hins cn nvr chn, nd hos who bliv hy hv o. nd i hink h vs mjoriy of popl r in h scond cmp. w r nion h looks o h fuur, binin rsponsibiliy wih firnss, pssion wih spirion - lwys rchin hihr, drmin bir, imin for vn rr hins.

hr r som who sy w mus pln for dcd of usriy. if h hppnd i would lso b dcd of unfirnss whr, whil h privild fw cn proc hmslvs, h mjoriy los ou. i bliv w cn cr nw dcd of prospriy wih opporuniis firly shrd mons ll hos who work hrd nd ply by h ruls. h is why w r fihin so hrd o scur nd susin briin’[]s rcovry.

h ls 18 monhs hv bn difficul, nd oo mny popl wr hi by crisis h oriind in h us housin mrk nd hn cm rollin cross h lnic owrds us - crisis h hi briin hrd bcus h finncil scor is such n imporn pr of our conomy. bu his is nion of fihrs nd blivr

s who m ch chlln wih srnh nd scrific. w fouh bck ins rcssion bcus w sood ohr nd did no lv popl isold o fc difficul fuur on hir own.

briin hs lrn h bir lssons of prvious rcssions - nd h’s why his ovrnmn ws no prprd o s whol muniis dcimd by worklssnss, wih owns losin no jus hir ins bu hir idniis. w wr no willin o los nrion of youn popl o unmploymn, wih hir hops shrd vn bfor hir lif’s journy hd bun. nd w wr no oin o olr dcn popl doin n hons dys work losin hir businsss nd hir fmily homs bcus i ws impossibl for hm o mk nds m. nd so w chos o inrvn nd no pss on by - nd if h princ of h ls rcssion hd bn rpd, popl’s chncs of hvin job would hv bn four ims wors fr hy bcm unmployd, rpossssions wic s bd nd pny insolvncis wo nd hlf ims wors.

h dcisions kn by lisir drlin nd ll h minisrs of his ovrnmn hv mn h w hv lrdy sn off h wors of h rcssion. hr is no dnyin i hs bn pinful for som - nd hr r sill ouh ims hd.

bu w cn b incrdibly proud h briin’s dynmic nrprnurs hv dfid h rcssion o sr up nrly hlf million nw businsss. hr r now hr million briish businsss - mor hn ny poin sinc rcords of his bn in h 1980s, nd fwr businsss closd in 2009 hn in 2008.

nd i m confidn h if w coninu wih h ouh dcisions w hv md, unmploymn will sr o drop his yr, nd mor smll businsss will opn nd flourish.

h wsn’ invibl; i ws h chn w chos. nd so my mss ody is simpl; don’ wrck h rcovry. h rcovry is sill fril, nd i nds o b nururd in h inrss of hos who wr hi hrds by h rcssion - h popl on middl nd mods ins who don’ wn ny spcil fvours - hy simply wn bi of hlp o own hir own hom, s up hir own businsss nd iv hir childrn h bs sr in lif.

bcus vryon who is willin o work hrd nd im hih dsrvs fir sho min hir spirions. my whol lif in poliics hs bn bou ryin o provid lddr of opporuniy, so h wh mrs is no whr you from bu wh you hv o conribu. nd h is h vision h will uid his ovrnmn in h ouh dcisions hd.

so l m lk o you bou my ky prioriis for h in yr - bou how w will scur h rcovry nd mk h nw dcisions of his nw dcd. my firs prioriy is scurin h rcovry. h scond is rdicl improvmn nd rform of our public srvics, procin fronlin spndin on schools, hospils nd h polic. h hird is nw, clnd up poliics. nd h fourh is mininin briin’s lobl srnh nd fulfillin our rsponsibiliis ins h rroris hr in fhnisn nd cross h widr world.

vn s w k h ouh dcisions o hlv h dfici, w cn sill invs in briin’s fuur. i sy his bcus briin is oo r counry wih so much ponil - nd popl wih such hih spirions - h in h in dcd w mus no sl for nyhin lss hn bi mbiions.

w r drmind o rduc h dfici rsponsibl pc, wihou chokin off h rcovry or dmin h fronlin srvics h minsrm mjoriy rly on. nd so our sry is o o for rowh, bcus w wn o build our counry up, no lk briin down. lr his wk w will b publishin h firs pr of our prospriy pln for succssful, firr nd mor rsponsibl briin: pln dilin how w will invs in h indusris nd jobs of h fuur. from hih spd ril o rospc o h diil conomy o cln nry o dvncd mnufcurin. 2010 is whn w will briin movin forwrd in.

nd w will coninu our rlnlss rform of public srvics o nsur hy lwys dlivr h bs for you nd your fmily- no uniform srvics, bu prsonl srvics, ilord o your nd nd your spirions. so whhr crin nionl cr srvic for h ldrly, ivin urn of rly cncr dinosis or drivin up sndrds in primry schools wih mor on-o-on uiion nd pulsory modrn lnus, w will lwys nsur you h individul, clln srvics you nd o mk h mos of lif.

nd i know h hos who work hrd ch nd vry dy for vryhin hy wr rihly pplld som of h bus of mps’ pnss. so i m drmind h his yr w will rnw fih in our dmocrcy wih consiuionl rform.

nd w cn ll b proud h h 20 briin ws bl o noi worldwid dl h scurd briish jobs. h ws dirc rsul of h ovrnmn choosin inrnionlism ovr isolionism - nd i is his sry h mns w r lso bl o coopr wih prsidn obm on non-prolifrion of nuclr wpons, nd wih our uropn nihbours nd ohrs on dfin csrophic clim chn.

so hos r my prioriis. my blif is h his is oin o b r dcd for r nion. if w coninu o mk h rih dcisions o unlsh ll h ln h is o b found in hs islnds, w hv much o look forwrd o - nd you nd your fmilis hv my wrm bs wishs for h yr hd.


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