[爱护校园卫生广播稿]尊敬的教职员工们、亲爱的同学们: 我校作为一所培育了无数国家栋梁和社会精英的世纪名校,有着与百年名校相媲美的花木繁茂、碧草如茵、巍峨殿堂的幽雅美丽校园环境。近年来,学...+阅读
甲:采撷一缕阳光,编织成七彩的花环。 乙:留住一阵清风,播洒出希望的明天。 甲:付出一份真诚,打造出温馨的世界。 乙:带走一丝烦恼,让快乐与我们同行。 合:亲爱的老师、同学们,你们好!本期红领巾广播又和你们见面啦。 男:我们这次的主题叫“我读书,我快乐”。 女:楼凌云,我想给你猜一个字。看,就是这个字,你知道这是个什么字吗? 男:这个你难不倒我,这是书字,是书的繁体字呀。
我还知道古人为什么这么写。书字上面是个聿(yù),古代就是笔,而下面是个曰(yue), 合起来表示用笔使文字显明。 女:看来多读书就能使明白一切。所以我们应该多读点书啊。那接下来就让我们一起来记一些读书的名人名言吧。请同学们跟我们读,并试着记牢。 读万卷书,行万里路。――刘彝 (停顿) 男:黑发不知勤学早,白发方悔读书迟。――颜真卿 (停顿) 女:少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
――《汉乐府。长歌行》 (停顿) 男;读书百遍,其义自见。――《三国志》 (停顿) 女:书是人类进步的阶梯。――高尔基(停顿) 男:饭可以一日不吃,觉可以一日不睡,书不可以一日不读。――毛泽东 (停顿) 女:读过一本好书,像交了一个益友。――藏克家 (停顿) 男:知识就是力量。――培根 (停顿) 女:记了这么多的名言,接下来就让我们来听听名人读书的故事吧。
男:第一个故事<鲁迅卖奖章> 鲁迅在南京江南水师学堂读书时,因考试成绩优异,学校奖给他一枚金质奖章。他没有戴此奖章,作为炫耀自己的凭证,而是拿到鼓楼大街把它卖了,买回几本心爱的书和一串红辣椒。每当读书读到夜深人静、天寒体困时,他就摘下一只辣椒,分成几片,放在嘴里咀嚼,直嚼得额头冒汗,眼里流泪,嘴里“唏唏”,顿时,周身发暖,困意消除,于是又捧起书攻读。
女:第二个故事是关于马克思的。 马克思一生博览群书,学识渊博而精深。他虽然记忆力惊人,对读过的书能记得异常深刻准确,但他读书时总要作笔记。为写作《资本论》,马克思研究了1500多种书籍,光笔记就写了100多本。马克思的笔记不少是自己制作的。通常的做法是将一叠白纸一折为二,然后居中间缝上一道线。在原封面上写明做笔记的时间和地点,编上笔记的序号,有的还加上标题。
笔记记得密密麻麻,旁边留出的空白处有用铅笔、钢笔作的粗细实线、虚线,“X”、“+”等各种记号。为了查阅方便,马克思还对许多笔记编制了目录和内容提要,然后放到特定的地方,需要时不用翻找,随手就能抽出来。同时马克思还在书上直接作笔记。 男:听了两个故事,接下我们欣赏一首小诗。 (男女合) 书是我们永远的朋友 它陪伴我们走过人生的春夏秋冬 书是我们的精神之树 在我们的生命中生根、发芽、枝繁叶茂 书中有人类无穷的财富 我们可以从中自由地汲取营养 书是人类发展的录象机 我们可以在其中看到前辈的足迹 书是知识和智慧的海洋 我们在书海的遨游中慢慢长大 书是你的、我的 书是人类永恒的朋友 女:同学们,读书要像蜜蜂采蜜,一要多读,读各类书;二要努力读懂,不能不懂装懂;三要在读书的过程中反复思考,领会汲取书中有用的知识。
男:好书是我们的朋友,好书给我们知识和力量。让我们一起在书海里遨游吧! 女:今天的节目到此结束,我们下次再见。 A: pick a ray of sunshine, woven into colorful garlands. B: retain breeze, spraying out hope for tomorrow. A: pay a good faith, to create a warm world. B: take away a single worry so happy with our peers. Hopewell: Dear teachers, classmates, you! Current the red scarf broadcast and you meet friends. Male: We he thistheme called "I am reading, I'm happy." Female: Floor Lingyun, I want to give you to guess a word. See, that is the word, you know this is what the word? Male: You beat me, this is the book word, traditional characters of the book you. I also know that the ancients Why do you write. Book word above is a Yu (yù) Ancient is a pen, and the following is said (yue) bined pen so that the text revealed. : It seems that more books will be able to understand everything. Therefore, we should read more books ah. Next, let us take a note of some famous celebrity reading it. Ask someone to read with us, and try to remember the simplicity. Read a Hangwanlilu. - Liu Yi (pause) Male: Black I do not know Diligence early white hair square regret later reading. - Yen Chen-ching (pause) Female: young idler, an old beggar. - "Han Yuefu. Long Song "(pause) Male; reading a hundred times, its meaning from the see. - "Three Kingdoms" (pause) Women: the book is the ladder of human progress. - Gorky (pause) Male: rice can one day do not eat, sleep can be a day without sleep, the book can not be a day not to read. - Mao Zedong (pause) Female: read a good book, like to pay a good friends here. - Home possession grams (pause) Male: Knowledge is power. - Bacon (pause) Female: remember so many famous, then let us listen to the story of the celebrity book. Male: a story Lu Xun sell medals Lu Xun the Nanjing Jiangnan Nal Academy, studying, excellent test scores, the school awarded him a gold medal. He was not wearing the medal, as show off their credentials, but got Guloudajie sold it and bought a few of the beloved book and a bunch of red pepper. Whenever reading for the dead of night, when the profile body is trapped, he picked a pepper, divided into several pieces, put it in the mouth and chew, straight chewing sweating forehead, the eyes of tears, his mouth "Xi Xi", suddenly , whole body fat warm, sleepy elimination, so he lifted the book to study. Female: The second story is about Marx. Marx lifetime well-read, knowledgeable and sophisticated. Although excellent memory, read the book can remember abnormal profound and accurate, but he was always taking notes when reading. Writing "Das Kapital, Marx studied over 1500 kinds of books, the light notes written more than 100. Marx notes many produce their own. The usual practice is a discount for a stack of white paper, and then ranks the middle seam on a line. States to do the time and place of the notes on the original cover, is assigned a serial number of notes, and some also add a title. Notes to remember dense, next in the space provided useful pencil, pen as the thickness of the solid line, dotted line, "X" in "+" and other marks. For convenience, Marx also prepared many notes directory and executive summary, and then placed in a specific place, when you do not he to rummage need readily can be withdrawn. Marx also book directly taking notes.Male: After listening to two stories, took us to appreciate a poem. (Men and women bined) Books are our friends forever It acpany us through life's seasons The book is our spirit tree Root, sprout, flourish in our lives The book includes the infinite wealth of mankind From which we can freely absorb nutrients The book is human development VCR In which we can see the footprints of their predecessors The book is the ocean of knowledge and wisdom We grew up in the surf of the sea of books Your book is, I The book is eternal human friends Women: the students, reading like bees to collect nectar, to read, to read all kinds of books; Second, we must strive to understand, can not pretend to understand; Third, we need to reflect on the process of reading and understanding the lessons in the book useful knowledge. Male: A good book is our friend, a good book to give us knowledge and power. Let's together in the book sea trel! Female: Today's program ends, we see you next time.
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