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[马云阿里巴巴上市英文演讲稿]以下这篇英文演讲稿是马云在IPO上市路演的演讲稿全文(附中文翻译),由本站演讲稿网站整理提供。 大家好,我是马云,阿里巴巴集团的创始人和董事会主席。 Hello, im Jack Ma, foun...+阅读

A, shall be borne by the chairman of the debate

1, the debate began

2, announced the motion

3, introduce the participating team and its position

4, introduce team member

5, introduce rules, judges and staff

6, debate petition

7, the judges review

8, for audience questions, the judges score (simultaneous)

9, announced the result of the match

The debate over 10

Second, the process of the debate

1, the theoretical stage defense:

(1) positive and argue against a speech made by positive and negative sides ZhuBian stated his own first main point. Must be pleted within the specified time.

(2) positive and opposite two apology speech square 2, against two contend with concise text focuses theoretically demonstrated their own point of view,

(3) positive and opposite three speech by square three, against three respectively with concise text carries on the empirical analysis, provide arguments to support his own views.

Phase 2, free debate by tetragonal speak first, then the opposition spokesman, sides took turns to speak. (in a relatively concentrated period of time)

3, summarize four contend for final statement by both parties, summarizes has side view, refute each other subjective point:

(1) argue against four summation

(2) square four summation

4. Audience member: the audience to questions of both players, players must give the answer patiently. Stage performance is not recorded in the results of the petition between the two sides to ask a question.

5, the judges scoring stage

6, the judges review the process of both views and debate.

7, the announcement

Three, the rules of the debate

1, each member must be finished within the prescribed period of time, over time, in accordance with abstained processing, and lose from team total score 5 points.

2, free debate rules free debate speech must alternates between the teams, the first to speak with a member of tetragonal, then one by opposition players, the two sides take turns, until you run out of time. (each a free debate in the concentration of two hours to plete, what time each other, each stick words between 60-800 words, can only ask a question at a time.)

Fourth, criteria

(a) will be hired to review all the five judges of the game.

(2) criteria

1, point clear, argument is sufficient, citing appropriate, analyzed thoroughly.

2, grabbed the other views and error, precedents and precise, and to the point.

3, reflect agile, strong ability to deal with.

4, articulate, level clear, tight logic.

(3) the scoring method (group and individual scores respectively, out of 100)

(1) the topic: can the logic, theory, from the position held by the fact that such as multi-level and multi-angle, argument is sufficient, reasoning is clear, whether for his own difficulties with effective treatment methods.

(2) the argument: if there is a convincing argument, argument is sufficient, whether logical reasoning process, the fact whether the reference is proper, true.

(3) dispute: to ask whether to grab the key, the problem simple. No questions or questions within the time required, should be appropriate. The question of whether or not to answer each other, can you give a person the sense with justified. Dont answer or not answer should be penalised accordingly.

(4) : whether to he team spirit, mutual support, debate cohesion is closely. Whether qa form an anic whole, to a powerful blow to the other party.

(5) argue the wind: the language and debate style exquisite civility. Personal attacks will be made to argue each other friends and izens.

(4) points: every topic, argument, dispute, cooperate, argue the wind project, do not conform to the requirements of the evaluation and in violation of the rules, are appropriate. Due to the fault causes of incidents affect the game, is decided by the jury, in a 5-10% reduction of its cumulative total score.

(5) score project group and individual points per game parison table is as follows:

(6) score project group and individual points per game of appraisal form

(7) good debater respectively by the oute of each race scores are the highest return. The game of best debater tired integral calculation by the individual scores the highest gain, formula is: the total integral/attend the session.

(8) the oute of judgment

1, the oute of the game, on the basis of a few judges play group points, remove the a and a minimum points, calculating the remaining points scored an erage of judgement.

2, debater individual scoring points calculation method, calculation method with groups only as an individual award review basis, has nothing to do with judging each oute.

Five, awards and incentives

1, every game are selected each a good debater each team, will decide after the game one of the best debater.



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