
以My idead English teacher我理想中的英语老师为题的英语演讲词

01月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求一篇关于素质教育问题的英语课堂演讲稿!真心急!]关于素质教育问题的文章可以在网上下载,比较普通的模式大致如下,它是一篇记叙文。One night, I asked my daughter to finish an English paper. There was a question of "ask...+阅读

What makes a charming teacher?

In my opinion, a charming teacher is the one who not only has an apparently attractive appearance but also has a lot of qualities inside.

First, he or she must be full of enthusiasm to his or her students and work so that students will learn a lot and the teacher will teacher well. Second, a charming teacher must have mastered the knowledge of his or her area perfectly well so the students will be convinced. Third, a good characteristic is also of importance. Students all like confident, optimistic, humorous and kind teachers. Finally, some tiny details are also essential, such as a soft voice, a serious attitude, a vivid explanation of the lessons and so forth.

All of these above are required to be a charming and well-received teacher!


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