[跪求运动会广播稿 300字以上必须原创三篇以上急用!]这是我闪来这里的第一个金秋,我们热情,我们骄傲,为我们班级为我们运动健 尔们,我们亲眼看到同学们运动场上矫健的身姿,我们为你们呐喊,你们棒,你 们是我们的骄傲,太多太多的言语不能...+阅读
Working as a lawyer means helping individuals or businesses solve their legal problems, understand regulatory matters, and help make business or personal decisions. A lawyer may assist in drafting wills, help a merchant collect overdue bills, advise someone seeking a divorce, answer questions about new federal broadcast regulations, defend a prson being accused of a crime, or assist a corporate executive in researching tax law and international trade. Today's lawyer has many roles and activities to do based on his or her interests.
You can work as a lawyer in different ways:
Private Practice means practicing law in your own firm or associating with a firm that employs hundreds of attorneys. The private practitioner may be a trial lawyer, or engaged in an office practice, which includes preparing contracts, deeds, wills, and other legal documents and giving written opinions and advice to a client.
Corporate Law usually means working in the law department of a large business, performing legal work as varied as the activities of the company. If the company has diverse interests and the counsel staff is large, attorneys may specialize just as in a large law firm.
Government Employment at the federal, state or local level involves such activities as hearings conducted by regulatory agencies, prosecuting criminal defendants, representing a government agency in court, drafting regulations or ordinances, and evaluating the legal aspects of policy and other decisions by a governing body or its chief administrator.
There are also other kinds of lawyers which are all very helpful to the whole society.
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