[一场关于网络的好处和坏处的辩论会作文350字]随着社会的进步,科技的发展,各种眼花缭乱的电子产品被送进了商场,其中,电脑是最普遍的,几乎家家户户都有电脑,那么,电脑有什么好处和坏处呢? 网络的好处非常之多,比如说:“我们可以查...+阅读
I normally like to watch people giving presentations which are usually ispiring, encouring and motivating as well. And I have watched a lots, of which I love Obama's the most. With the most recent presentation he gave at the school opening.
As usual, the speech was facinating. He not only gave his perspective on schooling but also to life in general. As the first Afican black present in history, he spoke from his experiences. It isn't easy to make any achivements, but it's still achivalbe so we should hold on our dreams if we have ones. Unlike other speakers, he usually draws people's attention to the bigger picture in life.
Even though, we don'...s the most.
As usual, the speech was facinating. He not only gave his perspective on schooling but also to life in general, he spoke from his experiences, he usually draws people'I normally like to watch people giving presentations which are usually ispiring. I feel I am better of because of his inspring speech, we should still try our best to persue the life we truly want. Unlike other speakers;s still achivalbe so we should hold on our dreams if we have ones;t know what future holds for us;t easy to make any achivements, we don'.
Even though;s attention to the bigger picture in life, of which I love Obama', but it'. It isn'. As the first Afican black present in history. With the most recent presentation he gave at the school opening. And I have watched a lots, encouring and motivating as well
辩论会作文男生女生 300字今天下午,我们班举行了一次别开生面的辩论会。辩题是“开卷是否有益”。我光荣得成为了反方的辩手。 准备了几分钟,比赛就开始了。第一轮,我方主辩手是吴岳凡,正方主辩选手是于...
诚实和善意的谎言辩论会的作文450字正方:应该讲诚信 反方:可以说善意的谎言 正:我方的观点是:做人要讲诚信。因为从小老师们就教育我们做人要讲诚信,要做“诚实的好孩子”。那我们当然就不能说谎。 反:善意的谎言和...
庆六一发言稿作文200字无人喝彩 无人喝彩的人生,就似没有花香的小径。 人生的赛场常常是这样开始的:两旁是朋友助威的呐喊,身后有亲人关注的目光。我们大多数人的生命是在这亲朋们的赞美与喝彩中长成...
听演讲有感邹越的爱祖国爱老师爱父母爱自己 600字以上的作文在学校的时候,我们观看了《爱祖国、爱老师、爱父母、爱自己》演讲。这是我观看过许多演讲中最精彩的一次,令我最震撼的一次。对我的触动、影响很大,让我受益匪浅。爱祖国。是每...
听什么人演讲有感的作文巜做一个美德少年例文 大家早上好!今天我在国旗下演讲的题目是《做一个有美德的青少年》。 中华民族是一个具有优良传统的伟大民族。五千年文化孕育了丰富的传统美德,如公正无私、诚实笃信等修...