[初二英语演讲3分钟左右的带中文]The Oktoberfest (啤酒节) Fall in the end of Setempter,Oktoberfest,held in Munich,German,has a history of more than 200 years,dating back to 1810.It is a carnival...+阅读
The World Expo2010 Shanghai has already ended on October 31, 2010. As Chinese people, we are very proud of it. During the Expo Shanghai was really the center of the world's attention. It's a great global event and of course it is good for China, and it also brings me a lot. First of all, thanks to the Expo, I learned more about the world. The Expo is just like a little world where people can not only see rare cultural treasures from around the world -- the statue of Athena from Greece and French impressionist masterpieces, for example -- but also get a taste of the diversity of the world's cultures through more than 20,000 cultural events. Secondly, the Expo slogan is “ Better city, Better life”. Shanghai Expo is a great chance for the Chinese economy growth, because many countries had a rapid growth in economy after the World Expo, and their GDP broke through a bottleneck. I think we can also enjoy this economy growth after the Expo, and we will all have a better life. Moreover, it closes the relationship of China with other countries. China's status in the world is higher now. In all, I think the Expo is a remarkable, even historic event. And it does bring me a lot. That's all, thank you for listening! 88! 给个面子、
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