
找一篇关于 women in education的英文演讲稿字数在1000字左

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[求一篇54青年节的演讲稿要初二学生写的那种 800字最晚明天早]五四青年节演讲稿——青春的火炬 五月的春风情深意暖,五月的花海流溢飘香,和着春潮,伴着夏韵,在花海灿烂夺目的季节里,我们迎来了“五四”运动八十五周年。 弹指一挥间,人类已昂首...+阅读

History of Women in Education In order to understand the women education movement, it is important to have a brief background of its history. During the time of the ideal subservient woman a few bold women and events stand out as milestones in history. The first is in 1833; Oberlin College was founded. It was the nations first university to accept women and black students. The next important event was the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848. This convention added fuel to the flame of education and suffrage. The Seneca Falls Declaration has been called he single most important document of the nineteenth-century American woman抯 movement? At the convention a declaration concerning women抯 rights was adopted modeling the Declaration of Independence. Appearing in addition to issues of suffrage were issues of education and employment. The Declaration of Sentiments states: He has monopolized nearly all the profitable employments, and from those she is permitted to follow, she receives but a scanty remuneration. He closes against her all the avenues to wealth and distinction, which he considers most honorable to himself. As a teacher of theology, medicine, or law, she is not known. He has denied her the facilities for obtaining a thorough education - all colleges being closed against her. (Schneir 77) This event is of utmost importance to the women抯 rights movement. It laid the foundation for future achievements even though suffrage was not achieved until 1920. After the Seneca Falls Convention women continued to achieve milestones in education. In 1877, Helen Magill became the first woman in the United States to earn her Ph.D. By 1880, women comprised eighty percent of all elementary school educators, and by 1910 women made up 39 percent of all collegiate undergraduate students and even 20 percent of all college faculty. Finally, in 1920 women抯 suffrage was achieved, giving women a secure foothold in society. In 1945, the first woman was accepted to Harvard Medical School, and by 1972 Title XI was passed to help end the discrimination based on sex for any educational program that received federal funding. In 1980 women equaled men in numbers enrolled in colleges with 51 percent. Finally, in 1996 Virginia Military Institute was forced by the Supreme Court to become coeducational (Eisenmann appendix). There are many other events along the path to education that helped women achieve the status they enjoy today. This brief chronology merely traces a few of the hundreds of thousands of victories women had to win in order to become educated. The right to become educated has been long sought after by women. The history of women education parallels the beginning of feminism. Women have made huge strides toward receiving an equal education, but there is still much work to be done. This revolution is far from over. Material gains have been made, but an inequality of expectations and results of education for men and women remains.


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