
请以my mother写一篇演讲稿

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求宿舍文明靠大家演讲稿拜托了那位高人给找一篇谢了!]尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好 我很荣幸这次能代表我们十栋304宿舍参加这次由系里面组织的“寝室文化节”演讲活动,同时,我也将会认真阐述这次活动主体的个人观点。 宿舍...+阅读

What could define one person to be so great or to get the title of hero? Does he like a soldier or that willing to die for another? Does he must be selfishness and willingness?Does it something deep-rooted the others' eyes? It is all of that and more! A hero is an amazing person who may not realize what an effect he or she has on others.

My hero is not a soldier and is not someone who has a publicly viewed heroic job, but someone who works so hard, day in and day out, to provide for herself and her family.

From the day I was born, my mother's life changed forever. She worked long and late hours, taking care of a young child. Money got very tight from that moment on. My mother was saving money so she could go buy what I need. She never once made it noticeable to me that life was tough, but in the background she was eating just enough to get by and living in old clothes so he could feed, and support me to grow up. Through the stressful life my mother lead, Rheumatism prevents her form bending her back. She always smiled at me and stroked my head. She never said that anything was too hard for her and always stayed strong through all the pain. I truly believe that my mother pulled my father out of many low spots in his life. My mother was my father's hero. I have been able to see behind…

I really don't know when was the happiest time of life for my mother. Besides admiring her, I feel so sorry to her.

My mother does amazing things each day, but she has never been recognized for it. As I look with new eyes on the life that my mother lives, I strive to have the courage that she has and the determination to never give up.

I wish I could explain the feelings that I have for my mother in words, because to me she is not just your ordinary great mom. She is my mentor, my friend, my mother, and most importantly, My Hero!


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