功夫 Kung Fu Hustle 影评
My notes are awash in glowing adjectives such as snappy, infectious and magical. But words don't do justice to the deep river of imagination that flows through Stephen Chow's indiscriminate fairy tale; a flashy homage to the ruthless kung fu films of yore.
Renaissance man Chow (“Shaolin Soccer“) writes, directs and stars as two-bit thief Sing, an everyday nobody who aspires to be somebody as a vicious Axe Gang member, a Tarantino-esque band of marauders who groove on extreme maim and plunder. Good guys never win so Sing wants to be bad.
In the chaotic frenzy of pre-revolutionary Shanghai it's every man for himself. Sing makes the mistake of pulling a scam at the ramshackle housing project of Pig Sty Alley, unwittingly drawing the ire of the infamous Gang and establishing a vendetta between parrying camps.
The residents of Pig Sty are no ordinary slum-dwellers. Despite their modest appearances the exploited Sty folk are extremely well-versed in the art of self-defense.
As the narrative pokes fun at an effortless Chi Flow and slapstick Buddhist Palm Kung Fu, a more somber side is revealed. No-nonsense violence takes its toll in death and destruction while the lighter side of wrong-doing subtly masks gritty social satire.
Chow relies heavily on the influence of '60s and '70s Shaw Brothers films to craft this joyous and energetic dramedy. Classic mob dance sequences segue into death-defying wire tricks and the ultimate revenge showdown. Sing goes from zero to hero in dazzling kung fu style. The incomparable choreography of martial-arts legends Yuen Wo Ping (“Kill Bill,“ “The Matrix,“ etc.) and Sammo Hung lends swift and sophisticated exh
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