

03月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我看变形金刚2]天,我看了电影《变形金刚》,太好看了,大黄蜂,擎天柱,jazz(爵士),威震天,迷乱.........都是导演精心设计的人物,都很cool(酷酷的)。九象范文13: .9xwang.我都很喜欢得不得了!为追寻能量...+阅读


Transformer is a good movie for both children and adults. It tells us the righteous will definitely beat the evil. Also, it's important to get together and help each other when we face challenges and dangers. High technology is widely used in this movie and this makes it so interesting and exciting. I like the movie very much.


The installment of the franchise — also said to be the start of a new trilogy — picks up several years after 2011's Transformers: Dark of the Moon, which ended with the Autobots' victory in a battle against the evil Decepticons in Chicago, and Optimus Prime promising to always protect Earth and the humans. This time, the human-friendly Autobots are being targeted for elimination by a second generation of human-designed transformers....


Film review In my mind, has great influence with every cinema in the summer vacation. What's it about? Two years have passed since Megan Fox(人名) leant over Bumblebee's bonnet in ripped denim shorts. The Autobots(汽车人) are still on earth, working alongside the US military to protect the world from further Decepticon(霸e68a84e799bee5baa6e79fa5e9819331333330363863天虎) attacks. One particularly evil Transformer – The Fallen – is masterminding a plan to destroy all the Autobots and, while he's at it, Earth. Meanwhile, Sam Witwicky(人名,男主角) is starting college and Megan Fox is still wearing ripped denim shorts, except this time she's bent over a motorbike and has had something injected into her lips. It's weird. But hot.(讲的是什么)What's good about it? Revenge of the Fallen is bigger and louder than its predecessor. There's a healthy dose of new characters. Visually, it rocks. The fight sequences are better choreographed and there's more 'expression' in the up-close shots of the Transformers' faces. Large parts of New York, Paris, Shanghai and the Egyptian desert all get blown to shit. In particular, a forest scene in which Optimus Prime (擎天柱)slugs it out with three Decepticons are awesome. As is the end sequence: the plot (and therefore the fate of the world) pivots on 'magic dust', the US army are shouting “Bring the rain!” and Megan Fox is scrambling around in white trousers while the sun sets on the pyramids, which are topped, tinsel-like, with giant shiny robots. It's just so poetically retarded. (精彩的地方)I hope people will love it in the future. Let us expect the transformers 3 and I believe it will better than 2.


Film review

In my mind, has great influence with every cinema in the summer vacation.

What's it about? Two years have passed since Megan Fox(人名) leant over Bumblebee's bonnet in ripped denim shorts. The Autobots(汽车人) are still on earth, working alongside the US military to protect the world from further Decepticon(霸天虎) attacks. One particularly evil Transformer – The Fallen – is masterminding a plan to destroy all the Autobots and, while he's at it, Earth. Meanwhile, Sam Witwicky(人名,男主角) is starting college and Megan Fox is still wearing ripped denim shorts, except this time she's bent over a motorbike and has had something injected into her lips. It's weird. But hot.


What's good about it? Revenge of the Fallen is bigger and louder than its predecessor. There's a healthy dose of new characters. Visually, it rocks. The fight sequences are better choreographed and there's more 'expression' in the up-close shots of the Transformers' faces. Large parts of New York, Paris, Shanghai and the Egyptian desert all get blown to shit. In particular, a forest scene in which Optimus Prime (擎天柱)slugs it out with three Decepticons are awesome. As is the end sequence: the plot (and therefore the fate of the world) pivots on 'magic dust', the US army are shouting “Bring the rain!” and Megan Fox is scrambling around in white trousers while the sun sets on the pyramids, which are topped, tinsel-like, with giant shiny robots. It's just so poetically retarded.


I hope people will love it in the future. Let us expect the transformers 3 and I believe it will better than 2.


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