[《变形金刚2》—酷毙了]今天,我和妈妈到万达影城去看《变形金刚2》。九象范文13: .9xwang.一进影城,我就特激动、特兴奋,也充满好奇,因为我看过《变形金刚1》,也迫不及待地想看《变形金刚2》。今天,《变...+阅读
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is the fast paced sequel to the 2007 summer blockbuster movie Transformers. This time round, their is more action, more robots, more fight scenes and more explosions. Everything a sequel is supposed to be. They are supposed to be more action packed and each action scene is more elaborate. In this movie, Sam Witwicky is sent to college and the autobots are fighting with the military to fight off the decepticons that are scattered all over the globe. The cinematography and action scenes were very well shot and planned out. And the acting was superb. If you liked the first movie and the television shows, you will very likely like this movie. It is not as good as the first movie or the third, but is still quite enjoyable. It is worth a watch.
Some critics seem amazed by their own enjoyment of the film. For example, Desson Thomson writes in the Washington Post: "Before you dismissthis movie as toy pornfor overgrownboys (not that there's anything wrong with that), consider this: Never was this goofy raptureexplored with more fun. For the non-Transformer heads among us, who couldn't tell an Autobot from a Decepticon, it's a wonderfully playful experience." And Roger Moore in the Orlando Sentinel puts it this way: "We knew it would be dumb. But we had no idea it would be so much dumb fun." Lou Lumenick interrupts his review of the movie in the New York Post to remark: "A box-office analystwhom I respect predicts Transformers will be the year's top-grossing flick. If the enthusiastic response I saw at a screening the other night is any indication, predominately male audiences will flockto see some of Hollywood's most lavishspecial effects ever, climaxing in a battle that destroys much of downtown Los Angeles."
As a huge Transformers cartoon fan and awesomely enchanted by the first movie I went to see T2 without second thoughts. What I saw in this 145 minutes movie is all I ever wanted to see...Pure transformers. This time special FX are improved and you get to see whats happening when Autobots and Decepticons are fighting. The movie score is similar to the previous one but can't help to say that Steve Jablonsky did an awesome job. The movie has its pro's and con's but con's don't have such a huge impact as many people believe. Firstly let me address this, Of course and we don't see many human dialog in the movie..your are watching transformers. Second, you don't get to see many autobots but I believe that Bumblebee and Jetfire even the little guy or the twins steal the show. Now for real life cast, Hotie Fox is just another decoration in the movie without adding nothing to the story. Sam from the other hand is still the same character you've saw in the first movie which of coarse is good. To all the Bay haters out there and to culture geeks, this movie is not about realism or have a deeper meaning hidden inside, this movie is all about...the same thing that made us love the cartoon series and... "To all the fans out there, hidden among the stars, the movie is pure awesomeness, you have to watch it"
Im not a Michael Bay fan. In fact i would go so far as to say that the man's movies stink to the highest of heavens. That being said I really liked Transformers! For some reason, even though all of Bays usual groan inducing crap was there, it didn't matter because giant robots were kicking the crap out of each other! Transformers 2 is bigger, longer, louder!..but not better. It's still very enjoyable but despite the increased action and running time, it lacks the impact of the first movie. The main reason is that along with all the good explosion type stuff being amped up, that groan inducing crap I mentioned gets amped up too..oh God does it ever. Good stuff first. The damn Transformers..obviously! Every time any of them are onscreen (except the twins, more on them later) it's just a joy to behold. They smash, crash and yes, explode the hell out of each other and everything around them in some of the most amazing visual effects and action scenes ever committed to film. The opening "Pull over" scenes with Optimus and a giant wheely Decepticon (does he have a name?) is an instant classic and the 3-way duel to the death between Optimus and 3 Decepticons is just one more highlight in a movie full of them... But, there are also lows. You expect a certain amount of schmaltz in a Bay movie, it's a given. But there is such a degree of sugary crap on display here I nearly lost my lunch. Why Bay feels the need to accompany every early scene Sam and Mikaela share with horrific poodle rock music is beyond me. This guy may very well have the worst taste in music in the known universe. Then there's the "comic relief". I get that this is at heart a movie for the young uns but why is the line between not being that funny and annoying as possible crossed so much. Skids and Mudflap suck. No 2 ways about it, they make your teeth clench. I could handle a few scenes but these 2 morons are in the damn movie more than Bumblebee!..who has now appeared somewhere along the line to have become Sam's pet dog rather than an Autobot Lietenant! Also, Sam's mother seems to have become mentally challenged since the last movie. And if you thought the sidekick computer hacker guy from the last movie was annoying, wait until you see the clown they replaced him with! Performance wise, it's fine. Fox and Labeouf ain't winning any awards but they are convincing throughout and John Turturro's character is great value, as well as being actually funny in parts. All in all the sheer spectacle makes this a must see..but its faults are too many to stop it short of just how enjoyable the first one was.
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