

01月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求3500左右笔记本电脑性价比高的玩游戏的]华硕X550JD4200,3500元 操作系统:Windows 8.1 主板芯片组:Intel HM86 CPU系列:英特尔 酷睿i5 4代系列 CPU型号:Intel 酷睿i5 4200H CPU主频:2.8GHz 最高睿频:3400MHz 总线规格:DMI...+阅读

After reading The Coldest Place on the Earth

Do you know where the coldest place on the Earth is? Yes, it's the Antarctica, or the South Pole.

People arrived in the Antarctica in December 14th, 1911. And this book, the Coldest Place on the Earth, tells us a sad story in it. A team from Britain and another team from Norway were in this race, they all wanted to be the first team to get to the South Pole. They also hope that the flag of their country could be the first to wave in the sky of the South Pole. In the end, the Norwegians were the first with their captain Amundsen. But the Britain team with their captain Scott died in the Antarctica. Robert Scott and his friends were dead in the Antarctica, but they showed their spirit: always be brave and confident; never give up.

We should do everything confidently. There are many difficulties in our study, work and life. But we should be brave, and have courage. We should go on along our road. Then we can see the hope. We'll succeed.

But you know, many people give up when they face difficulties. They think that: 'I can't go over this difficulty. I must go back.' That's wrong. All of us have this ability to overcome


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