Othello is a brave officer in Venice. He falls in love with Desdemona the daught of a senator of Venice. But the marriage is not allowed because of Othello's color. They have to marry secretly. Iago, Othello's ancient, wants to remove Othello. He informs the senator of the secret marriage. However, the senator agrees with them unexpectedly. Iago begins to make trouble and stir up ill feeling between Othello and Desdemona. He slander Desdemona has an unusual relationship with Othello's lieutenant Cassio, and forges a love token. Othello acceptes his story as true, and chokes his wife to death in anger. When Othello know the truth, he died by his own sword.
The character of hero Othello is honest, brave, fractious and credulous. His biggest weakness is self-abased. He is self-abased because of his color, looks and age. He actually feel he is not worthy of Desdemona, even Cassio is better than him. That is the reason why Othello suspect his wife after Iago's instigation.
Jealousy and suspicion wind through his play. Guile and foolish in the human nature is assumed perfectly. This surprising tragedy written by Shakespeare make people think very deeply. The tragedy reminds the kindhearted of watching out the people like Iago.
Actually Desdemona have little knowledge of Othello. The reason why she loves Othello is very simple. She likes his legendary experience. In other words, she only like a romantic dream. Othello knows that a little. He is worried about his wife's love. In this case, Iago is the fuse to break the false and loose loving. Finally, the play ended with the death of protagonists. It is full of strong tragic color.
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