

03月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求一篇800字以上关于心理的书籍的读后感]马斯洛《存在心理学探索》读后感 我读到的是云南人民出版社1987年8月第一版第二次印刷的本子,标注〔美〕A.H.马斯洛 著,李文恬(“恬”字左边加“氵”)译,林方校。 虽然译者介绍,此...+阅读


The story is based on the life of John Forbes Nash, Jr., a mathematician and Nobel laureate who suffered from schizophrenia. The film gives us a unique first person perspective of the disease, drawing us into his world and allowing us to see what Nash sees. Howard's presentation is brilliant. At first Nash is presented as a bit eccentric, but lucid. As we experience his world, reality and illusion are so perfectly intertwined that we are not sure where the world ends and the mind begins. By fooling the audience Howard makes the subtle point that to the schizophrenic it all seems real. In attempting to evaluate Nash's world we get a distant understanding of the confusion that results when a rational person attempts to cope with a world that is part real and part hallucination.While this is a biopic, it is more fiction than fact. A great deal of dramatic license is taken since Nash freely admits that he has little recollection of the years when he suffered from the disease. The powerful speech at the end of the film where he thanks his wife after receiving his Nobel Prize is pure Hollywood. Included in the DVD is footage of the actual Nobel ceremony and no speeches were given. Yet, we can forgive the latitude taken because the story is so inspirational.From a production standpoint, special note must be given to the makeup department, which ages Russell Crowe so magnificently. As the movie progresses through four decades, Nash is realistically depicted and aged appropriately. Likewise, the art department does a fine job rendering four different periods, matching costumes, props and sets to the times.Yet, with all the fine production values, this film excels most in the acting. Russell Crowe turns in a career performance in a career abundant in great performances. This character is the antithesis of the Russell Crowe we've come to expect. Instead of strong, tough and balanced, with a sharp worldly intelligence, he plays an eccentric and convoluted man with quirks, nervous habits and a psyche obviously out of balance. Crowe completely immerses himself in the enormous volume of the role, effortlessly moving between its elements from audacity to paranoia to tenderness to genius. This is an accomplishment that is light years beyond his Academy Award performance in `Gladiator', good as it was.Jennifer Connelly puts herself on the map with an Oscar for best supporting actress. It is always difficult to avoid getting lost in the presence of an actor as powerful as Crowe, but Connelly stays right with him, delivering a moving performance as Nash's steadfast wife.Ed Harris was my favorite to nose out Crowe for best actor in last year's Academy Awards. Harris gave a brilliant performance playing Jackson Pollock in `Pollock' (also featuring Jennifer Connelly in a small role) that was trampled under by the `Gladiator' Oscar juggernaut. As if to say, `If you can't beat him, join him', Harris goes toe to toe with Crowe in some of the most intense scenes in the film. Harris lends significant energy and intrigue to the movie with an urgent performance as the operative who recruits Nash to break codes for the government.This film is nothing short of fantastic. It is expertly directed, superbly acted and meticulously crafted. It presents great drama while also bringing insight into a stigmatizing disease to a wide audience.






义社会的耳濡目染, 既有丑恶的一面,也有反抗现实,追求自己的理想的纯洁的一面. "有那么一群小孩子在一大块麦田里做游戏.几千几万个小孩子,附近没有一个人——没有一个大人,我是说,除了我.我呢,就站在那混帐的悬崖边.我的职务是在那守望,要是有哪个孩子望悬崖边奔来,我就把他捉住——我是说孩子们都在狂奔,也不知道自己是在往哪儿跑,我得从什么地方出来,把他们捉住.我整天就干这样的事.我只想当个麦田里的守望者."

书中,霍尔顿是一个不肯用功读书,整天鬼混的沉沦少年,他为什么不肯用功读书 难道是资本主义社会物质极大丰富,不需要读书吗 看一看霍尔顿所处的环境,便不难明了.学校里的老师和他的家长强迫他读书,只是为了让他"出人头地,以便将来可以买辆混帐卡迪拉克",学校里的老师大部分是势利的伪君子,连他起初所唯一敬佩的一位老师后来发现也可能是个搞同性恋的,而这位老师对他说:"一个不成熟男子的标志是他愿意为某种事业英勇的死去,一个成熟男子的标志是他原为某种事业卑贱的活着."老师的谆谆教导却是一条渗透着浓厚利己主义和功利主色彩的资本主义信条,生活在这样的环境里霍尔顿又怎能找到可贵的精神寄托或崇高理想呢 他不愿意与他们同流合污,自然也就无法好好读书,他的不用功表面是颓废,沉沦,实质上是对资本主义的价值观的最无情的揭露.作者把霍尔顿身边的人,全都描绘成"假模假式"的人,他看不惯周围的一切,想逃离这个噩梦般的现实世界,到偏远的小山村去遁世,但要真正这样做是不可能的.他最讨厌看电影,但百无聊赖中又不得不在电影院中消磨时间;他讨厌爱慕虚荣而又毫无主见的女友去又迷恋她的美色,他看不惯这个世道,却无法改变;他甚至痛恨自己,却没有参照的标准来改正自身缺点(亦或是说没有毅力),这样的世界观和人生观注定了他只能生活在矛盾中,霍尔顿只能用幻想解脱自己,自欺欺人,最后仍妥协于他所深恶痛绝的社会,继续陷入矛盾的漩涡,无法自拔.


世界名著-老人与海英文读后感 The novel description is one year near sixty years of age senior fisherman, when alone goes to sea in one fishing, fished one big fish, actually did not pull. The senior fisherman socialized several days after the fish, only then discovered this was the big marlin which one surpassed the oneself fishing boat several fold, although knew perfectly well very difficult to win, but still did not give up. Afterwards and further because in the big marlin wound fish fishy smell brought in several crowds of shark fish snatches the food, but the old person still did not hope like this to give up, finally highlighted encircles tightly, returned to the big fish belt the fishing port, lets other fishermen not admire already. When I read " the senior fisherman think: Here to the seacoast really was too near, perhaps could have a bigger fish in a farther place... " When, I extremely admire this senior fisherman, because he by now already projected on some fish, but he had not settled to the present situation, but was approaches the bigger goal advance. Again has a look us, usually meets one slightly is difficult, we all complain incessantly. We will be the motherland future, will be supposed to like this old person same mind lofty aspiration, will even better pursue even better, the bigger goal. When I read " the big marlin start fast to gather round the young fishing boat hover, twined the cable on the mast, the old person right hand lifted up high the steel fork, leapt the water surface in it the flash, did utmost throws to its heart, one wail ended the big fish's life, it was static static floats on the water surface... " When, my heart also liked together the big stone falls. I extremely admire old person that kind do not dread, the relentless spirit, although knows the match strength is very strong, but he not slightly flinches, but is welcomes difficultly above. Just because had this kind of spirit, the senior fisherman only then achieved this life and death contest success. We also must study senior fisherman's spirit in life, handles the matter does not fear the difficulty, only then can obtain successfully. Was reading the big fish's smell of blood is smelled by one crowd of shark fish, struggled swims snatches the food, old person's left hand happen to in the convulsions, he only could use the right hand, with wooden stick, the mouth and so on all was allowed to use for the weapon self-defense which attacked, and finally expelled this crowd of shark fish. But the big fish's meat was already eaten one most, but the old person also charmingly criticized oneself the left hand " this work time actually was resting " time, I also was subdued by the old person optimistic spirit. In the life, some losses are inevitable, we should treat by the optimistic manner, cannot be calculating. Finally, the novel sees by one youth the senior fisherman fully has 18 foot long big marlin in the measure, once more described this fish's hugeness, explained senior fisherman overcomes the difficulty was big, non- was more common than. The novel eulogized the spirit which the senior fisherman fear hard and dangerous diligently did not struggle, we also should like his such, could not satisfy the present situation, should positively to above, do any matter all is relentless, meets difficultly must welcome difficultly above, could give up halfway in no way. Only has this, we only then can obtain a bigger success and the victory.


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