

04月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[尼克胡哲观后感]尼克胡哲观后感 (一) 曾经有一个小男孩瞪大眼睛打量了尼克很久,最后终于吐出一句:“你总算还有一个头。”——这是尼克胡哲在他演讲时必讲的一个小插曲。只要看一眼尼...+阅读


The heart of ocean which is the name of the diamond in Titanic. It's also the space which a woman's heart could be. And how deep could a woman's heart be so that it keeps a secret for over 84 years without telling anyone the man she has loved, without the only picture of him, however, he retains, he retains in her heart forever. The woman's heart is as deep as the ocean, thats what firmly stamped in my mind of Titanic.The love goes forever, the heart go on and on...... For many times ive saw the film. Everytime i am deeply touched, everytime from diffrent sites. Facing the right to go to America with the largest and luxurious ship in the world, Rose feels like to go for a jail which could bind her to a life she doesnt like; Jack feels like to go to Paradise which would offer him many chances to lead a good life. For the poor people it's just like a honour to get on the Titanic. For the designer and the captain of Titanic it's a timing to praise their achievements. Titanic, a ship of dreams, it's it carries a mount of dreams to America; and its also it which broke up all kinds of dreams. As it begins to sink, all beautiful dreams have broken up. Facing dead, different people have different indications. For the designer and the Captain of Titanic its their fault to let it sink. For the third class people, its a lucky thing to get the chance into the lifeboat for survive. For the mother of Rose it's still a time to divise people into different boats according to their classes. For the fiance of Rose who is Cal its still the time to use his money to drive people help him. For Rose instead of getting into the boat she has choosen to be with Jack together. And for Jack even at the time going to die he stills feel lucky have got the ticket so that he could meet Rose. It's the love which keeps Rose's life on, and it's the love which indicates the worth of Jack's life. At the end of the film the old Rose throws the diamond into the water instead of handing it over. For her it's the only memory which could remind her of Jack, as the diamond falls into the water, the love of Rose comes also with it till it gets the bottom of the ocean


Firstly I would like to state that it is completely hilarious reading reviews with One Star because the movie had "Foul Language" and "Sex Scenes" or that someone had no idea that the movie was inappropriate for their 9 year old kid. Dead Pool is rated R and with 3 minutes of research you could have determined if this movie was for you or not With that being said I will not delve into the plot but the acting and writing were fantastic. Ryan Reynolds nailed this role. If you are easily offended by violence, language, or nudity this is not the movie for you but if you have a sense of humor and want to be entertained for 2 straight hours you will love this movie.


The Fellowship of the Ring begins in the quiet countryside of the Shire, where Bilbo Baggins of Bag End (Ian Holm), a hobbit, is celebrating his 111th birthday. In attendance, among other people, are Bilbo's young heir, Frodo (Elijah Wood), and the wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellan). Gandalf informs Bilbo that the time has come for him to leave Bag End and go on a journey. To Frodo, he leaves his home and his most beloved possession, a magical ring that turns the wearer invisible. But this isn't just any magical ring - it is the One Ring, forged by the Dark Lord, Sauron, and capable of corrupting the wearer. Sauron's servants, the Ring Wraiths, are scouring Middle Earth for it, since, when it is returned to their master, nothing will be able to stop him. All of the world is about to be plunged into war, and the only way to stop the evil will be to destroy the ring by casting it into the fire where it was forged - in Mordor, on the Dark Lord's doorstep. That unenviable task falls to Frodo, the ring bearer.

求僵尸新娘的英语读后感 40个单词左右适合初一学生的

The Corpse Bride has narrated a story of eternal topic on human beings----love. In despite of the love from corpse bride Aimili and the happy life in the Land of the Dead had attracted youth Weite deeply, ultimately he found that there was nothing could deter him from returning to his ture love----Victoria. Finally,in order to maintain the blessedness of Weite the corpse bride sacrificed herself.From which we may see, love, is the finest emotion of human beings forever.

At last,please allow me to use the most classical actor's lines in this movie to accomplish my lecture.


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