

05月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com



" Love of education ".

The education of love " let me moved at the same time, also led to some of my thoughts on love.

The first " love of education " title makes me think, in this in the world, what is love? It 's just how powerful, so that people would ruin their lives to save love? With this question, I and the Italy elementary school journey together, to explore an unknown answers. One of the fourth grade primary school students in a school year ten months of a diary, containing between schoolmate's love, and the love between children and their parents, the love, the love between teachers and students, the love to the motherland, and all this, make the person is read, like growing up in the arms of love. In the process, I found the answer. Although not as special, but to really let the person feel very warm. Love more precious than pearls, more than candy sweet, more than the crystal crystal, brighter than the stars, love is a kind of feeling, is one kind of happy, everyone wants and used the money to buy the feeling. Love can be in hate into courage, it makes you smile to the face of life, make you stubbornly resist fate, it is the resurrection of immortality, to the sinner a new life, he is a loving mother, called return of the prodigal son, it is a kind of access, is a sacrifice. But, work a harvest, fate will not let you in vain to pay, it will use the most precious love in return for you.


Love's perception of 《爱的教育》英文版 - read the "love" inductive education Love, what a familiar words, in everyone's mind has a pure love, love is selfless love, it is a vast, only live in the ocean of love, just can enjoy love. And I read the education of "love the book, I truly understands love border. This permeated with the love of the novel contains profound, send out the sort of full-bodied emotional strength is really very great. "Love education" introduces the Italian child amway in a school year ten months of ke is written diary, containing the classmate of love between, the sister and the love between children and parents, teachers and students of love between between love and love for his country, make the person is in love like reading the bosom of growth. Love is like air, every day in our side, because its no shadow intangible is often ignored by us, but we can't live without it, actually the meaning of it have been integrated into life. But many people cannot feel. Love is great, because it not only to the individual character, but also to the whole nation is proud of dignity and emotions. Love is an endless travel, you walk while watching very relaxed, every day there will also be for something new comprehension, learning and full up. Then, just want to continue to go on, and even enthusiasm, don't care how long it will last. This time, such feelings already sublimate is a love, for a life of love. Read the love of education ", I walk into amway ko life, witnessed how they study, live, how to love. In touched, I find love contain the for the pursuit of living. Through the ages, how much love true story ah, visible, love is everywhere. We are born, they immersed in the ocean of love, the love of parents and grandparents love. Gradually grew up and went to school, and teacher's love, students of love. Love is like air general, love is all around us, we never left it, leaving the love person, is not a soul is a man. Love can make the person rescue, love can make the prodigal son back, love and can inspire people infinite strength.Is love, that we can be happy grow up healthily, is love, and gives our inner warmth. Interpersonal love is great, love is forgiveness, love is inclusive. Love is the source of love and education, education is closely linked. Many feel a love, it is a more warmth; Give much a love, it is a more happy. In the future days, let us together bathed in the ocean of love. 《爱的教育》一书是一个意大利四年级小学生在一个学年十个月中所记的日记。

全书共一百篇文章,主要由三部分构成。该著作由意大利作家亚米契斯耗时近十年完成。无论哪一章,哪一节,都把“爱”表现得精髓深入、淋漓尽致,大至国家、社会、民族的大我之爱,小至父母、师长、朋友间的小我之爱,处处扣人心弦、感人肺腑。 ======================================================= 这本书说明了意大利小孩安利柯的生活和学习。写发生在安利柯身边各式各样感人的小故事、父母在他日记本上写的劝戒启发性的文章,以及十则老师在课堂上宣读的精彩的“每月故事”。每章每节,都把“爱”表现得精髓深入、淋漓尽致,大至国家、社会、民族的大我之爱,小至父母、师长、朋友间的小我之爱,处处扣人心弦,感人肺腑。 《爱的教育》里没有乏味的说教,也没有豪言壮语,更没有轰轰烈烈的英雄事迹。

它所写的只是一些平凡而善良的人物:像卖炭人、小石匠、铁匠的儿子、少年鼓手、带病上课的教师……以及他们的平凡的日常生活。正是这些看似平凡、实则真实可信的记叙,把读者带入一个爱的世界,让我们在爱中受到教育。这本书里充满了爱。充满了让人羡慕的爱。 在我们的教育中,“爱的教育”这四个字,说来容易,做起来又是何等的困难!首先,在大多数人的脑海里没有“爱的教育”这个概念。所以,在我们的生活中,没有爱的教育。正因为我们缺乏爱的教育,才使我们的生活里少了一些爱。对父母的爱、对老师的爱、对同学的爱,这是我们缺少的,这是我们需要寻找的。有了这些爱,我们的生活才会充满了爱。 在《爱的教育》中,我走入了安利柯的生活,目睹了他们是怎样学习、生活,怎样去爱。

他们的爱里有宽容,有谦让,有亲情,有友谊。《爱的教育》在诉说崇高纯真的人性之爱就是一种最为真诚的教育,而教育使爱在升华。虽然,每个人的人生阅历不同,但是你会从《爱的教育》中,体会到曾经经历过的那些类似的情感,可我们对此的态度行为可能不同。 在〈〈爱的教育〉〉中,我找到了爱,在爱中找到了教育。安利柯 —— 本书主人公。一个刚上小学四年纪的意大利小男孩出生在知识分子家庭,由于父亲的引导和教育,纯真善良,学习勤奋,待人诚恳、友善。 卡隆 ——— 安利柯的同学、好友。一个高个子的男孩,是非分明,敢于和邪恶抗争,常常保护弱小的同学。 代洛西 ——— 品学兼优,担任级长。他待人和气、活泼、可爱。 ...


《爱的教育》让人深受感动,里面的所有日记都体现出对老师、父母、同学的爱,让人倍加感动。 《爱的教育》全文采用了日记的形似,讲述一个叫恩利柯的小男孩成长的故事,记录了他十个月在学校,家庭,社会的所见所闻和他家人的信和老师讲的动人的每月故事。 爱就像空气,虽然天天都在我们身边,但经常被我们忽略。《爱的教育》一书中描写了一群快乐,可爱的少年。他们的身份各不相同,有出生于富裕家庭的,有出身于贫穷家庭的,但他们互相尊敬,互相关爱。这些孩子身上却都有着一种共同的东西——对自己的祖国意大利深深的爱,对亲友的真挚之情。 《爱的教育》里到处都体现了爱。最让我感动的就是每月故事——万里寻母记,讲述了主人公马尔可的妈妈为了让家里付起债务,便远渡重洋,孤身一人来到了阿根廷共和国的首都布宜诺斯艾利斯的一个富人家去做女佣,后来断绝了联系。

13岁的主人公马尔可,不顾去美洲的危险毅然向他爸提出了一人去美洲找母亲的请求。这件事一开始虽没成功,可两天后他父亲的一个船长朋友听说了这件事后,便去找到了他父亲告诉他可以免费带马尔可去美洲。于是,马可尔开始了万里寻母的旅程。途中,他历尽了各种艰难险阻,尝遍了人生的酸甜苦辣,不知过了多长时间,凭借着马可尔坚持不懈的努力加上人们的帮助,终于找到了失去了生活意识的奄奄一息的妈妈。马可尔的出现使母亲找到了生命的价值,在医生的帮助下,马可尔和妈妈终于重逢了…… 掩卷沉思,马尔克是这样的爱妈妈,为了妈妈,他甚至不顾一切危险,远渡重洋,从热那亚来到阿根廷共和国的首都布宜诺斯艾利斯,真另人佩服。并且每当他来到母亲曾经住过的地方,见不到母亲时,心是多么难受,但他并没有放弃,依旧没有抛开母亲,真叫人感动。

我有时和马尔克一样爱母亲:每当母亲吩咐我时,我总会去做。在母亲生日那天,我还给她写了一封信,洗了一次脚呢!当然,我有时会犯错,每当母亲打骂我的时候,我对妈妈的那些尊敬的地方顿时无影无踪。回想起来真不应该。 让我们深信:只要人人都献出一份爱,世界将变成美好的明天。让我们携手共起,一起乘上爱的小舟


爱的教育读后爱的教育读后感 随着每天爱的教育,安利柯一学期的校园生活结束了,虽然内容结束了,但我的心里仍感想很深。九象网13: .9xwang. 《爱的教育》主要讲的是安利柯小学四年级在学校所...

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