

07月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[沈嘉禄《美女鸭头颈》读后感]对于能吃的人,我向来羡慕。九象网13: .9xwang.我羡慕他们有一副好胃口,特别是有的人大腹便便,似乎有一副“大肚能容,容天下可容之物”的风度。如果他不光能吃,而且还能写。将美食...+阅读


可以自己加工删减一下 I watched the movie "beauty and beast"this vacation.It's romantic love story.Bell is a very kind and beastuiful girl,living with her father in a small town,and the prince is a selfish guy trapped in a beast's body for his rudeness angering the enchantress.The beast has to find a person willing to fall in love with him.Then,in a occation,it met Bell and gradually fould out that Bell is a lovely girl and begin to fall in love with her, so it went to any length to help her.Bell was finally moved and fell in love with it and the prince escaped from the beast's body and led a happy life for ever. Love is the topic of the whole story which can change any dark and evil stuff.Love means everything,and this is the reason the movie can get into the gate of Oscar.The real world is full of war and darkness,which turns people's life in to chaos.Human's life lacks of Love,and if the love exists,humen have the power and the dream and the ideal "man can conquer nature"will no longer be a myth.

老人与海英语读后感原创 !!

"Old Man and the Sea" to shape the success of a classic tough guy image. It is also the author of Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Cuba said the book is a Fisher the to Santiago, a man fishing alone in the 84 days after nothing caught a Marlins immeasurable. This is also the elderly have never seen more than heard of his boat two feet longer a big fish. Great efforts are also big fish, pulled the boat drift for a whole two days and nights, the elderly in the past two days and two nights have never experienced the hardships endured the test, and finally the big fish to death, tied to the bow. However, at this time has been in the midst of the sharks, the elderly and the sharks were life-and-death struggle, the result of a shark or a big Marlins finished, the old trailer home last only a bare skeleton of the fish. Hemingway's why the elderly did not let the final victory? Novels in the words of the elderly: "A person must not be defeated born", "people do can be destroyed, but can not be defeated." This is the "Old Man and the Sea "philosophy would like to reveal. There is no denying that people will be as long as it is flawed. When a person is to recognize the shortcomings and efforts to overcome it and not to succumb to it, regardless of the final catch of the Marlins a complete or an empty frame, which have been does not matter, because the value of a person's life has been Marlins in the hunt for the process of fully embodied. Have to strive for their ideals, the struggle, and I wonder if he is not a winner right?Fisher challenge is to own their own shortcomings and the winner of the courage and confidence. View from the secular point of view of the victory, the winner will not be the last Fisher, because, despite his big win over the Marlins, but the Marlins eventually let big sharks eat, and he was just the bones of the dead with a big Marlins shelf back to shore, that is to say, the shark is the winner. However, in the eyes of the idealists,Fisher is the winner because he has not been to the sea to the big Marlins no compromise and surrender to the sharks. Beethoven's music as the master said, "I can be destroyed, but I can not be conquered." Humanity is a powerful, human beings have their own limits, but it is because such a personFisher again and again to challenge the limits, beyond them, this limits the expansion of only one, one times the greater challenges facing the before mankind. In this sense, this Fisher Diego Sandinista hero, regardless of the challenges the limits of their success or failure are always worthy of our respect. Because he gives us is the most noble of human self-confidence! Life itself is an endless pursuit. It is the road long, difficult and full of ups and downs but as long as its own tenaciously to a brave heart to meet the challenges of self-confidence, he will always be a real winner! 很费劲啊


野性的呼唤巴克是一只耐寒的狗自小生活在旧金山南部米勤法官的家里受到主人的呵护、宠爱。肆赌如命的曼纽为了偿还赌债在一个晚上把巴克盗卖给买卖狗只的人手中后来遭人辗转卖到蛮荒苦寒的北方做苦工从此过着艰苦的生活。巴克生活的转变令它学会在弱肉强食的世界里怎样自保和生存的方法。然而桑顿在巴克的第二任主人中拯救了它。桑顿与巴克的感情十分浓厚在桑顿被土人杀死后巴克还替他报仇和安葬他。最后巴克终于回到大自然的怀抱。 巴克的生活原本就十分安定想也不想到自己会在狗群中挣扎存呢?但它十分勇敢和坚强在艰难的日子里一一捱过永不退缩。 现今社会的经济衰退使很多的人士失业或被雇主调低薪金而过着拮据的生活以前安稳的生活不再。有些人还会想到自杀来解决生活的问题不过人生中一定会有顺境、逆境如果在逆境中就放弃自己的生命值得吗?巴克在逆境中仍努力存不是吗? 巴克的精神实在值得我们敬佩它无论遇到什么挫折都会勇敢地闯过去。

可是时下有些青年人遇到很少的打击、挫折又或者成绩、交友遇到困难时就只会逃避有些更会选择死来逃避。这些人真是愚蠢到极点。 青年人在成长道路不免会遇到挫折、困难若这样就一蹶不振怎么行呢?青年人应该要有魄力呀把这些当作是一种磨练所谓「玉不琢不成器;人不磨不成材。」人生的道路有时如海一样风平浪静有时却充满波涛骇浪没有一条人生的道路是不会崎岖不平的。 我们要知道在生活中一定会有欢乐、忧愁巴克也经历了无数挫折但它都一一阔步地跨过了最终回到大自然的怀抱所以我们亦要相信自己的能力啊!The call of the wildBuck is a cold dog child living in the southern San Francisco judge's home ground metres by the owner's care, love. Widespread gambling such as life Manniu to repay gambling debts in a night of the buck to the sale of stolen dogs the hands later being was sold wild bitter cold of the north to work from living a hard life. Buck life changes make it learned in the law of the jungle in the world of how to protect themselves and the way to survive. However, Buck Thornton in the second host to save it. Thornton and buck very strong feelings in Thornton natives were killed after buck also revenge for him and buried him. The last buck finally returned to the embrace of nature.Buck's life is very stable to also don't expect to be in a crowd of dogs and struggling to survive? But it is very brave and strong in the tough days one one through never quit.The current social and economic recession that many employers are unemployed or reduce the gold and live on less money was no longer a stable life. Some people will think of Dutch act to solve the problems of life but in life there will be prosperity, adversity if in the face of adversity to give up their life worth? Buck was still struggling to survive in the face of adversity, is not it?Buck spirit is worth us admiring it no matter what will bravely chenguoqu. But some young people nowadays have rarely attack, frustration or achievements, friends encounter difficulties, they will avoid some will choose to die to escape. These people really stupid.Young people in the growth path will inevitably encounter setbacks, difficulties and if so how do unable to get up after a fall? Young people should have courage, treat this as a test of the so-called" good-for-nothing; people do not wear a good-for-nothing. " The road of life sometimes as the sea be in smooth water sometimes full of the seas have no a road of life is not rough.We want to know that in life there will be joy, sorrow Buck has also experienced numerous setbacks but it is one one to stride across the ultimately return to the embrace of nature we must also believe that their ability!


《美女鸭头颈》读后感对于能吃的人,我向来羡慕。九象范文13: .9xwang.我羡慕他们有一副好胃口,特别是有的人大腹便便,似乎有一副“大肚能容,容天下可容之物”的风度。如果他不光能吃,而且还能写。将美...

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