Sherlock is a British television series that presents a contemporary update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories. This TV drama is based on the famous detective novel of the British novelist Arthur Conan Doyle. It took the background from the 19C to the 21 century. And the fashion and talent detective Sherlock Holmes with his fantastic assistant John Watson are facing a series of dangerous and unusual events in London. It contains six stories up to now, such as a study in pink, the blind banker, the great game, a scandal in Belgravia, hounds of Baskerville, and the reichenbach fall. As for the characters, first, Sherlock Holmes, he is brilliant, aloof and almost entirely lacking in social graces; second, Dr john Watson, SH's assistant and best friends, he is brave, resourceful and practical; third, Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock's older brother, but there is little brotherly love there; fourth, detective Inspector Lestrade, Sherlock's friend, he is the only policemen who Sherlock has any respect for, often call in Sherlock to examine a case; fifth, Jim Moriarty, consulting criminal, the biggest Villain character, he is brilliant but crazy.
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