[小飞侠彼得潘第一章到第八章读后感]《小飞侠彼得·潘》读后感 小飞侠彼得·潘是一个活泼,喜欢玩,善良,勇敢的男孩。 我喜欢彼得·潘的喜欢玩,不过他有一次把朋友差点弄伤了。他喜欢玩,背着爸爸妈妈跑出去玩,学会了飞...+阅读
I bought this book a few years ago for my daughter for Halloween. She immediately loved it and I had to buy another copy for her to donate to her school as her birthday book (every child donates a book on their birthday and their picture and year is placed in the inside cover - wonderful tradition). This is a very cute story with beautiful artwork about a little witch who wants a pet. Because she is a witch, she wants the creepiest pet possible. She brings home different pets from the pet store, but returns them as they aren't exactly what she wants. Finally, a cute kitten shows up on her doorstep, and despite her adorable looks, the kitten i...小红帽:
I bought this book a few years ago for my daughter for Halloween. She immediately loved it and I had to buy another copy for her to donate to her school as her birthday book (every child donates a book on their birthday and their picture and year is placed in the inside cover - wonderful tradition). This is a very cute story with beautiful artwork about a little witch who wants a pet. Because she is a witch, she wants the creepiest pet possible. She brings home different pets from the pet store, but returns them as they aren't exactly what she wants. Finally, a cute kitten shows up on her doorstep, and despite her adorable looks, the kitten is exactly what she was looking for in a pet (explores the attic with her, watches creepy movies with her and listens to her secrets). The moral of the story - appearances don't matter as much as your character.
小飞侠彼得潘第3章读后感《小飞侠彼得•潘》读后感 段亦凡 最近,我读了一本詹姆斯·巴里写的书,名叫《小飞侠彼得·潘》。 书中主要写了达林太太和达林先生有三个孩子,分别是温迪、约翰、迈克尔,有一天,...
小飞侠彼得潘第一章读后感言200到300《小飞侠彼得潘》读后感 所有的孩子都要长大,只有一个例外——他就是英国的詹母斯·巴里笔下的小男孩彼得潘. 彼得潘是个顽皮、淘气、会飞翔、勇敢、有绅士风度、又有些傲气...
求100字读后感背影读后感 人们大都歌颂母爱,这篇课文却写父爱;歌颂父亲,一般是正面写父亲的高大形象,这篇课文却写父亲的背影,写父亲不美的外表、动作和不漂亮的语言;写爱的文章,往往有淋漓尽致...
一本书小故事诗读后感1年级100个字9篇读《小红帽》有感 记得在寒假的一天里,有一个陌生人按我家门铃,当时我没有想任何事,就接听了门铃,只听对方说:“小朋友,我是卫生老师,请问你的视力多少?”“1。8。”我毫不含糊的说...