
英文读后感To Live Happily All the Time

11月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[《董存瑞的故事》读后感]《董存瑞的故事》读后感 这两天我看了《董存瑞的故事》这本书,令我非常感动。故事写了年仅19岁的董存瑞在解放隆化的战役中和战友们,接连炸毁敌人的碉堡群。这时,总攻冲锋号已...+阅读

to live happily all the time——about “three men in a boat”李 想 北京一零一中学高一阅读书目:三怪客泛舟记 three men in a boat (书虫· 牛津英汉双语读物) most fairy tales end like this:“they live happily ever after.” but to gee, harris and j, “ever after” is far from enough. their belief is to live happily all the time. who are these three guys? they are the “bestest” pals from a humorous english book — three men in a boat. just take a look at these three funny guys: you can meet them anywhere at any time. all of them he great aspirations and plenty of passion. but in the morning, none of them like to wake up early. all of them want to be great explorers. but on rainy days, they all prefer to stay by the warm fireplace. yes, it’s our harris, gee and j. and now, they are taking a vacation on the famous thames. they started off in a little boat, which none of them would like to drive. they kept explaining that they didn’t e out for fun—they were taking a rest because of some so called “dreadful disease”. when they were treling, they couldn’t stop making jokes on others. when they were cooking, they couldn’t stop the eggs from getting on their pans. when they finally ge up the boat and went home by train, they still couldn’t stop telling each other how clever it was to be “three men out of boat”…… such a simple story has brought me lots of laugher and thoughts. i laughed over their funny troubles and funny talkings all along the trip. and also i found that i came to admire them after laughing each time. because when they met something in trouble, or their own plicated jobs came, first, they would burst into laughter at once, and then started to solve the problem slowly with partience and happiness. sometimes i was surprised by them. because something that happens in our daily life such as losing the wallet, or a bad weather, will make every one of us plain and be upset for long. but how about the three men in the boat? they will certainly laugh at it first! they giggle, they grin, they smile. they he taught me how to laugh at trouble, to smile at hard work, and to laugh away tears. it’s a good way to face my blue days. as a student, i always plain about my homework, my parents, and my classmates. but gee, harris and j told me: there’s no point in plaining. just face your life and try to find the good side of everything. and also remember to cherish friendship—like the three of them. yes, yes. sometimes they seemed to be “cynical” or “lazy”. but the fire of live, diligence, and happiness is burning in their hearts all the time. to them, the so called “dreadful disease” is only an excuse for their going out to relax. to them, all the trouble is the chance to use both patience and laughter. to them, all the hard work is the gift from god to make them stronger and happier. don’t just stare at the “happy ending” of “living happily every after”. think about the three men in the boat. they are mon guys like you and me. but they are all very great—they he the ability to make themselves live happily all the time.


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