

07月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com




该剧极具创意地把原著中19世纪的技术手段变换成了现代社会里的智能手机、博客和卫星定位,但却摒弃了这些现代科技所带来的过分自我关注和心理呓语。剧集安排回应了原著情节,却并不是简单的照搬,编剧们对原著作出了别出心裁的改编,并把不同故事里的元素糅合到了一起,使《神探夏洛克》充满创新,情节幽默得出人意料,但是却从来没有偏离原著的精髓。《神探夏洛克》迎合了这个时代,是我们的时代之选(纽约时报评) 。

它带有《军情五处》的叙事技巧,但毫无疑问是夏洛克·福尔摩斯的故事。推理桥段非常巧妙,而情节更是扑朔迷离(卫报评) 。马丁·弗瑞曼所饰演的能干可靠的华生,解放出了现代福尔摩斯(观察家报评) 。本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇则成功演活了这个住在自己脑袋里,对外面的世界漠不关心的人(每日电讯报评) 。

另外,高端的制作水平也是这部剧成功的重要因素,一流的配乐、摄影、剪辑和道具,带来的美感甚至超过了很多好莱坞大片(新快报评) 。配合夏洛克非一般的思维,片中时常可见跃动的字幕,与剧情、环境配合得天衣无缝,也为剧集平添了时尚元素(东方今报评) 。

《神探夏洛克》是一部优秀、乃至卓越的电视剧,即便在影视剧制作水准极高的范围内看,人物精准,情节连贯,戏剧冲突激烈而饱满。在类型片和类型剧的食物链中它是很高级的,但同时仍有足够向上的空间(南都娱乐周刊评) 。



该片的故事相对独立,没有看过剧集的观众也能感受福尔摩斯的魅力,对于剧迷而言,影片用一种巧妙的方式串联起已经完结的第三季和之后第四季的剧情。这次非同寻常的“穿越”通过福尔摩斯的“头脑迷宫”来进行,头发不卷、离开了智能手机且变得更绅士的“卷福”,在脑洞大开之后带给观众一次非同一般的观影体验(电影网评) 。

该片节奏明快、情节有趣、演员表现亮眼,堪称2016年电视剧的巅峰水准(卫报评)。本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇得到了表演这位维多利亚时期大侦探的好机会,但是他的表演失去了立场,“自我放纵”的结果,可能会影响这部英剧的好名声(每日邮报评) 。


At that moment, I think I can understand what he wants.He wants to protect. He won't kill people just for the boring sense ofjustice although Magnussen is such a disgusting man who preys on others'secrets. Magnussen is not usual kind of Sherlock's puzzle. The behavior he didis not just killing. He is sacrificing himself. For people he loves. AsMagnussensaid, the leverage is a circle. Sherlock is the most important link in it. Ok,each link in the circle is essential, but no one in this circle can do the samething as Sherlock did. It doesn't mean others are cowardly or timid, they justhave something that cannot let them as free as Sherlock. Mycroft cannot leavebecause the British Security Services have to be commanded by him; Watsoncannot leave because he have a pregnant wife and of course, an unborn baby. Sherlockknows it clearly. That's why he did it to kill Magnussen and become a murder. Theonly receivable value is the freedom of others in the circle.It is obviously that Watson is significant for Sherlock because theyare true friends. The friend in need is the friend indeed. He can do anythingto Watson same that Watson would like to desert several girlfriends for him. Sherlockknows the importance of Mrs. Watson for john, so he tries to get back theevidences about Mary from Magnussen. That's why he asked Watson to get awayfrom him---“stay well back.” The last sentence he told john before he wasarrested is: “Tell her she's safe now!”62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333335306232 It's a promise. The promise he made in theirwedding.Mycroft said that Magnussen is a necessary evil, but Sherlock and heboth know Magnussen is a bomb, in irregular time. When he bombs, whole worldwill be affected. Maybe he never cares about the world, but actually, he careshis brother and knows what his brother cares about. He won't let his brotherunder Magnussen's thumb. I was moved by the scene that Sherlock kneeled. It'san apology. An apology to his brother. Anda determination as well. Mycroft's words that lose Sherlock will break hisheart is not a joke. Sherlock is sorry for that but never regret of his action.He is weak to say love, and the only things he can do is acting to them.He is most inexorable but most emotive.转自神探夏洛克吧



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