[2015进出口银行金融经济类笔试经验]11月23日考的,下午考,一共分为英语、专业知识、简答和申论。 英语:听力半小时。(只读一遍,所以大家做好心理准备,而且每篇都很长,所以要集中精力听啊,语速还是挺快的我觉得,可能我听...+阅读
◆ Taiwan exporters show skill in selling to foreign importers.
◆ Importer : This is a low price all right, but why do these disposable hospital gowns cost so much less than others?
◆ Exporter : Let me tell you why. One reason is that the gowns are made from non-woven fabric. We use a special micro-fiber we've developed to make the fabric.
◆ Importer : How does that affect the price?
◆ Exporter : Non-woven fabric is easy to cut and sew. We're able to assemble the gowns quickly.
◆ Importer : How's the durability of the gowns?
◆ Exporter : I happen to be especially proud of that feature of our gowns. Our fabric has more elasticity than others, so our gowns resist tearing and maintain their shape.
◆ Importer : That sounds too good to be true.
◆ Exporter : I've been selling these gowns for over a year. Our testing and customer feedback all testifyi to their quality.
◆ Importer : I'm also concerned about their wet strength and water resistance. Hospital workers are exposed to stains and spills of all kinds.
◆ Exporter : Our fibers he a special finish which makes them highly stain and moisture-resistant. We think this product is going to be the pride of our pany.
中国进出口银行2015校招会计笔试经验下午1:00到2:30 英语 总体感受:云山雾罩。 为了准备笔试,也练了六级和托业的听力和阅读,但是觉得用处不大。而且口行的几段听力明显是截的不同地方,发音都不一样,这个做好心理准...
中国进出口银行2015年校招笔试经验我已经笔试完了在焦急的等待面试通知,据说在这里发帖子可以攒人品,并且每次都是从应届生参考经验,这次也算是一个回馈吧! 进出口的笔试分为两大部分,一是英语,包括听力阅读作文。...
进出口银行笔试经验总体上说很适合正在考研的同学,进出口居然一点国际结算都不考,拿到题我们当场昏厥。传说中的鸡腿也没了。 北京语言大学的老师们态度让人们想起了高考,不过算是对进出口银行的...
2014进出口银行财会类笔试经验科目:英语能力测试。英语一个半小时,休息十五分钟后,能力测试两个半小时。题量大,时间紧张,LZ就是各种觉得时间不够用。。。所以一定要注意时间。 英语: 总体来说与往年有的笔经不...
进出口贸易英语专业术语C.W.O. Cash With Order, the cost of an item must acpany the order.C.O.D. Cash On Delivery, the cost of an item will be paid when the item is delivered.In stock...
进出口银行笔试题目一、选择题 1. 格雷欣法则通常在哪种汇率制度下出现?(金本位) 2. 现金交易说和现金余额说;凯恩斯和弗里德曼的货币需求理论;4. 卢卡斯批判 3巴塞尔核心资本协议不包括哪项?(非累计...
进出口常用英文书信一览外贸业务中有很多英文书信是必备的,方向标英语网为大家整理编辑了进出口业务中所需的所有英语书信的写作方法。1.询问产品Dear Sirs: May 1, 2001Inquiries regarding our ne...
进出口贸易英语口语用语Following are examples of how to use some terms associated with importing/exporting: You can use a credit card or pay C.O.D. pany policy is to keep all items in...