

11月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[面试应善用说服术]在大多数人的心目中,似乎面试就是考官问求职者答的这一模式,其实这样往往会使求职者处于十分不利的被动状态,而如果能善于运用说服术就不同了。 说服术用于求职,是指应聘者用事...+阅读

Back in January we mentioned how a great cover letter was absolutely mandatory when submitting your resume. Not hing one nowadays simply shows you aren't serious about the job.

BUT, a good cover letter and a poorly formed resume doesn't help you too much. So, let's tweak your resume a little. If you want to trudge through duplicated content, ebooks, and spam sites, go ahead and use a search engine for some tips. If you want to jump right in, start with this handful of sites.

* Ten Easy Ways to Improve Your Resume: Eliminate responsibilities words from your resume vocabulary. Never use expressions like Duties included, Responsibilities included, or Responsible for on your resume. Why? Because your resume should be acplishments-driven, not responsibilities-driven. Anyone (well, maybe not anyone) can perform the duties listed in a job deion. Job-deion language is not what sells in a resume. Acplishments-oriented language tells employers how you've gone above and beyond in your jobs, what makes you special, how you've taken initiative and made your jobs your own.

* Give your resume a face lift: Even if you cant hire a fancy designer and are stuck with Microsoft Word, a few tweaks can turn your blas resume into an elegant and functional showpiece.

* 21 Ways to Improve Your Online Resume: Content! Keywords!

Since most employers sort resumes electronically, keywords and specifics that demonstrate your abilities, your acplishments, and your past experiences are crucial to getting their attention.

* How to Write a Masterpiece of a Resume: To write an effective resume, you he to learn how to write powerful but subtle advertising copy. Not only that, but you must sell a product in which you he a large personal investment: you.



英语面试说服对方篇1、In what specific ways will our pany benefit form hiring you? 我公司雇用你有什么好处? 2、I think that mytechnical background is helpful for you. 我觉得我的技...
