[长假过后白领们面临的健康危机]People who do not get enough sleep are more than twice as likely todie of heart disease, Although the reasons are unclear, researchers said lack of sleep appear...+阅读
HR: As a reasonably large pany, we are required to produce a written health and safety policy.
CP: He you got a draft for me to look at?
HR: No, we are stilling doing the risk assessment of the main office building.
CP; Well this is a brand new office facility-it must be one of the safest place to work in the whole Shanghai.
HR; Yes, but youd be surprised to at all the ways that people can find to hurt themselves!
CP: I know. So what about insurance? Where are we with that?
HR: Well our foreign employees will be covered by their own insurance.
CP: And what about the Chinese employees?
HR: We are going to he to take out pany-wide cover for them-we are waiting for some quotes now.
CP: Wont the insurance panies want to e and inspect the premises?
HR: Yes, they will want to e round before finalizing any fort of cover.
CP: We will just he to make sure that everything is pletely satisfactory.
HR: The building manager has been making all the preparations. There shouldnt be a problem.
CP: OK. Id better give him a call after this and make sure he has everything under control.
HR: The other thing I want to discuss is the fires-aid programme we are planning to launch.
CP: Sounds like good idea-what do you he in mind?
HR: The plane is to he at least one qualified first-aider on every floor in the office building.
CP: So are we going to he to offer training if we dont he enough qualified people?
HR: Yes, but it doesnt cost very much to get people trained.
CP: Great. Hopefully well get plenty of volunteers then.
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