

11月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[成功面试秘诀]成功面试必备秘诀: 1.周延的计划。 2.熟悉应征企业现况,及累积相关行业的一般知识。 3.检视自己的优缺点。 4.练习处理对你面试不利的事情。 ˙原则1:不要把话题放在消极的事...+阅读

1. This is no time to wallow in negativity. New brain science reveals why staying positive is your best defense against career stagnation.


2. With widespread job cuts and a recession to deal with, its not easy to maintain a positive outlook at work these days. But being upbeat, despite the stress, could actually help you thrive during a downturn


3. Brighten your office space. Everything around you affects your frame of mind. Certain environmental cues can trigger your reflexive brain into needless panic, while others can prime you for creative thinking or calm reflection, Achor notes. The good news is that you he the power to control much of this input. Surround your desk with pictures and objects that lead you toward positive thoughts. Your mood and your brain will thank you.


4. Keep a journal. If you find yourself worrying about bad news, a scary rumor, or a stressful deadline, take three minutes to write down how youre feeling. Neuroscientists he discovered that verbalizing negative thoughts can act like a wet blanket on a fire of negative emotions, Achor explains. The simple act of putting emotions into words immediately decreases their magnitude. So dust off that old diary, or open up a Word document, and try it. Just make sure no one else sees it.


5. Invest in people. Smart people do stupid things during times of stress, like shutting down their social works to focus on work, Achor observes. But in working with panies around the world, Ive found that the greatest predictor of success during stress and challenge is the quality and quantity of your relationships.

Decades of research he shown that close ties to family and friends are among the biggest contributors to happiness, and may even help people live longer. Now more than ever, take the time to strengthen those connections in your life, urges Achor. You can start small by reaching out to just one person a day.



6. Think of work as a series of sprints, not a marathon. You know what happens when youve been sitting at your desk too long: Your muscles tense up, your eyes glaze over, and your energy lags. What you may not realize, Achor says, is that after two hours of continuous work, your brain function actually slows and your body starts to rapidly accumulate stress and strain.

So try to split up your workday into short sprints of 90 to 120 minutes each, with a 5-minute break in between, Achor says. Walk down the hall or around the block, call a friend, listen to a calming piece of music, do some stretching exercises, or eat a high-protein 100- to 200-calorie snack. Not only will you feel less run-down and worn out, but youll see a jump in your concentration and productivity.






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