

11月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[面试技术工程师的自我介绍]下面就分享一篇面试技术工程师的求职自我介绍,供参考: 面试地点:IBM 目标职位:技术支持工程师 面试类型:一对一面试 申请人概况:中山大学本科本站,女 自我介绍原文 我叫赵婉君,您可...+阅读

I: Your number and name, please.

Z: My number is sixteen and my name is Zhixin Zhang.

I: Please sit down, Mr. Zhang.

Z: Thanks a lot.

I: First of all, I'd like to ask you an ABC question. What does IT stand for?

Z: It is the abbreviation of Information Technology.

I: As a new industry, IT has created many new jobs. More and more people are engaged in the line. Can you name some specific job titles?

Z: Yes. IT professional include a hardware support specialist, software engineer, work designer, inter specialist, working specialist, manager, database entry supervisor, database administrator, programmer, puter operator, PC support specialist, multimedia developer, graphics designer, instructional designer, animator, online munity manager, security subject matter expert, security architect, and so on.

I: What are the responsibilities of a usability specialist?

Z: Firstly, to make on-the-spot investigations of the clients and find out the goal and tasks of the terminal users; Secondly, to assist in design; Thirdly, to make use of suitable and usable technology in the whole course of design and development. Fourthly, to test the usability of the product. Fifthly, to study the result of the test so as to offer some suggestions to the interface designers and developers. Sixthly, to collect and analyze the feedback from the terminal users, clients, technical suport and marketing staff. Lastly, to summarize and analyze the investigations and studies of usability.

I: If you are appointed to be a database administrator, what duties will you he?

Z: I'll be responsible for monitoring technical design, developing and maintaining the database, and managing the file of large and plex projects; designing, realizing and maintaining reasonably plicated database; maintaining the database dictionary and securing the pleteness of the system; securing the database function and solving problems; securing implementation and supervision of the database in coordination which IT department; making analysis and plans of long-term space need; jointly acplishing plicated projects with a database analyst.

I: Which programming languages are you familiar with?

Z: Visual Basic, Ja, Extensible Markup Languages, SAP Report Language.

I: Which database techniques are you adept at?

Z: Yes. I he studied Windows NT, Vital Signs, Inter Protocol, Extras, Lan, Wan, Ether, designing technique of Fast Ether and Gigabit, ATM, and FDDI.

I: How much do you know about Lucent?

Z: Lucent Technologies pany was set up in April, 1996. Formerly it was a work and technical department of AT T. The pnay is mainly engaged in designing, manufacturing and selling the munications equipment. Its products include public and special works, wired and radio munications system and software, data work system, work facilities, business telephone system and microelectronic units. At present, Lucent has established seven regional offices, eight joint ventures, and three exclusively invested ventures in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Qingdao, Shenyang and Hongkong, with over 3500 staff.

I: What is your doctoral dissertation about?

Z: It's about how to reinforce the puter security, the data security and the information security.

I: If you really he talent for that, maybe we'll appoint you as a security subject matter expert. So may I he one copy of your dissertation?

Z: Of course. I've brought one with me. Here you are.

I: I'll make the decision after I read it and I'll notify you of that in time.

Z: You can Email the notificaiton to me. My E-mail address is in the resume.

I: That's all for you. Thank you for ing. Please send the next candidate in on your way out.

Z: All right. A thousand thanks for your hing talked with me. Goodbye.


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