

11月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Plans for the Future Work

I: What do you know about our major products and our share of the market?

C: Your major products are gas apparatus. They're mostly marketed at home and some of them are exported to the Southeast Asian countries. Particularly your water-heaters of Shenzhou Brand he sold Very well both at home and abroad. / So far as I know, your pany mainly produces such shampoos as Rejoice 2-in-l. Head and Shoulders, and Pantene. They are very popular with women and he a large market throughout China. / As one of the leading producers in the field of electric appliances, your pany chiefly manufactures refrigerators of Rongsheng Brand and air-conditioners of Kelon Braad. These products are of good quality and he the lion's share of the domestic market and a part of them he found their way into the international market.

I: Tell me what you know about our pany.

C: All right. Your pany is a Sino-American joint venture. Your head office is in the U. S. A. . There are a lot of subsidiary panies all over the world. You mainly make beauty products which sell well. / As is well known to everybody, McDonald's is a world famous food corporation, which has many chain stores in more than one hundred countries. And your pany is one of its subsidiaries in China. You manage McDonald's fast food that is warmly weled by a large number of people. I think I'll he a bright future if hired by your pany. / To the best of my knowledge, your factory was originally a small workshop set up in 1978. At that time you had only over ten workers who made some farm tools. After more than ten years of hard work, you he developed into a large enterprise with nearly one thousand technicians and workers. Now your factory produces aluminium materials and your yearly output value has reached as much as over one billion yuan. What a wonder you he done!

I: What panies are stockholders in this pany, do you know? / Do you know who is the investor of this pany?

C: Yes, the main stockholder is International Business Machines Corporation, namely, IBM for short. / Yes, Mr. Yingdong Huo, a celebrity in Hong Kong, is the investor of your hotel.

I: What section would you like to work in if you enter this pany?

C:I'd like to work in the import section. / If possible, I'd like you to try me in the export section. / I'd rather work in the business departirient if choices may begiven. / I wish to work in the planning department.

I: What type of work will you expect to do at first?

C: I expect to operate puters. / I wish to do the accounting. / I want to design the corporate identity. / I hope to involve myself in package designs. / I'd like to be a FX (foreign exchange) settlement clerk.

I: What are your plans for the future?

C: Now I start with an entry-level secretarial position and hope to bee an administrative assistant in a few years' time. / I wish to move up to higher positions with acquisition of more experience in the future. / I'd like to continue working as long as I can. It's being more and more mon among young couples for both husband and wife to work, and I think that Chinese men will be helping more with the household chores, the way they do in America.

I: How long does it take to get here from your home?

C: It takes about 35 minutes by bike. / It's a twenty-minute bus ride. / It takes only a quarter by motorcycle. / It's only ten minutes' walk. / It takes one hour and-ten minutes.

I: That's quite a way. Are you planning to find boarding house nearby, or do you he relatives yon can stay with?

C: I he an uncle living about one kilometers' from here, so I'm planning to stay with him for a while. / I'm pretty strong. There is no problem for me to be punctual for work though I he to trel that far.

I: How long do you think that we can depend on your working here?

C: At least five years. / I'll work here until I get married. / If I enjoy the job and I feel I am making progress in the work, I would stay until I reach the age limit. / I'll work here as long as you expect me to.

I: You are single now, but what will you do when you get married?

C: I've thought about that a lot. I know that many women take a job, planning to make a career of it, and then they change their mind. But I am hoping to make it my lifetime work. So if I get married, I will find some way that I can continue my work.

I: Do you think you will want to continue working here even after you've had a child?

C: I think so. / Well, that's something a long time in the future. I don't know what my thinking will be then. / As a man, there is no problem for me to continue working here even after I bee a father.

I: What ideas do you he if we employ you?

C: I've wanted to be involved in engineering ever since I was a little boy. If I pass this interview and am accepted into your pany, I want to contribute whatever I can to improving technology and building better ships. I want to be professional in my field. / Ever since I was a young girl, I've been clever with my hands. I've always enjoyed doing detailed work. If I could use that ability to make your products a little better and to benefit the pany, I would be happy.

I: Do you he any particular conditions that you would like the pany to take into consideration?

C: No, nothing in particular. / Yes, I can't work on the night shift because I he to look after my little child at night.


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