[商务书信写作的十个注意事项]1.切忌主客不分或模糊。例子: Deciding to rescind the earlier estimate, our report was updated to include 40,000 for new equipment.应改为 Deciding to rescind our...+阅读
Modified-Block Letter Format
In this format each typed element - except the date and the signature block - begins at the left-hand margin. The date may be backspaced from the right margin point to align at the right margin; it may be centered, or it may begin at the center. The most attractive placement of the date, however, may depend on the letterhead design.
Semi-Block Letter Format
This format resembles to the modified block in every other regard except that the paragraphs in the body of the letter are indented.
这种格式的排版,出了书信主体每段首行要空格以外,其他均类似于Modified-Block Letter.
Full-Block Letter Format
The full block format is illustrative of the trend toward simplicity and ease of use. All lines, including the date and the signature block, begin at the left margin. Paragraphs are always blocked.
This letter arrangement is more efficient than the modified block or the semi-modified block in that no extra time is required for paragraph indention or placement of the date and closing lines. In addition, many writers believe that the full-block arrangement provides an attractive, business-like appearance.
Simplified Letter Format
As in the full-block format, all lines in the simplified format begin at the left-hand margin. It lees out the conventional salutation and plimentary close, invariably containing a subject line in lieu of the salutation indicating what the letter is about. Supporters of the simplified format argue that salutation and plimentary close contribute little to the message except for a waste of time. Others, however, are reluctant to omit the tonal qualities of the two ponents because they he been used routinely over years and readers expect them.
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