[职场英语:教育背景Educational Background]职场英语:教育背景(Educational Background) 教育背景即正规学校教育/或培训(A history of a persons formal schooling and/or training) 包括:学历(educational history )、教...+阅读
A:Can I help you?
B:Yes. I've e to apply for the position as an office secretary.
A:I'm Bridge Zhong, the clerk of Human Resources Department. What's your name, please?
B:My name is Lisa Liang. How do you do, Mr. Zhong?
A:Can you talk about your education background?
B:I graduated from Beijing the No. 4 Middle School in 1996, then I entered China University of Political Science and Law and I graduated in 2000. I gained a B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) degree.
A:What department did you study in?
B:I was in Department of Political Science.
A:And what subjects were you doing?
B:Er, we studied the modern Chinese political thoughts, the History of Western Political Thoughts, parative political systems, and so on.
A:How about your scores at college?
B:Well, I got excellent scores on each of them.
A:He you got any honors or rewards? And what is it?
B:I got the university scholarship in 1998-1999.
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