[实用英语串烧:She is coming on to you]There's no other way of saying it.没有别种说法。 有时候不管你再怎么转、再怎么拗,也没有办法更婉转或是避开一些绝对会出现的字,这时候你就可以用上There's no other way...+阅读
(sound of knocking door)
LH:请进来! e on in, Larry!
LL: Oh, hey there, Li Hua, I see the game has started. Whats the big stink?
LH: 球赛刚开始。你说这儿有臭味? 我没有闻到什么臭味呀!
LL: No, I dont mean your apartment is stinking. I was asking why the soccer players are making a big stink. Big stink means making a big fuss or plaining.
LH: 噢,你是问电视上这些球员在吵什么?嗨,美国队踢进了一个球,可是没有得分,因为裁判判定失误,所以就吵了起来。
LL: So, the players are mad, and the U.S. soccer coach is making a big stink by arguing with the referee.
LH: 是啊, 美国队个个气得火冒三丈。美国教练通常比较低调, 这次也忍不住跟裁判争执,表示强烈不满。
LL: Yeah, but I dont think making a big stink about the call is going to change the referees mind.
LH: 我也这么想呢, 大吵大闹是不会改变裁判的决定的,还不如就算了, 接着比赛就好了嘛。
LL: This reminds me of when I played baseball as a kid. Every once in a while a parent would get upset with the umpire and make a big stink.
LH: 这不仅是你小时候打棒球的情况,现在也是那样。美国家长特别重视孩子的体育活动,有比赛必到现场,为孩子打气。觉得不公平还会对裁判大喊大叫。 我父母只有在我学习成绩不好的时候才会严厉批评。
LL: Li Hua, werent you the perfect student? I cant imagine your parents hing anything to make a stink about.
LH: 谁说他们不生气?我上中学的时候, 有个学期我的数学成绩很差。 我父母就特别生气。这对他们来说才是件大事。
LL: Well, they had your best interests at heart. Say, you know what I want to make a big stink about now?
LH: 我当然知道他们是为了我好。You want to make a big stink?有什么事让你不满意呀?
LL: Where is the snack food? You cant watch soccer without hing some snacks.
LH: 嗨,你们美国人呀,看球就非得吃零食。不过,这不是什么大事。You dont he to make a big stink。 厨房里有好多吃的,你自己去拿吧。
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