HS: We need a clear idea of what we want everyone to concentrate on.
SM: we Ive been working on these information packs for all the new recruits.
HS: lets he a look. I see, so youve written out everyones job deion in full.
SM: we there cant be any confusion that way.
HS: you might want to add in some information about salary and mission, just to make it all absolutely clear.
SM: thats not a bad idea he you decided what youre going to offer them yet?
HS: yes, its 4,000 RMB per month basic salary plus an extra 5,000 RMB if they meet their sales targets.
SM: I suppose the next thing we need to do is to give everybody specific geographic areas to focus on.
HS: well half of the team will be working closely with me and concentrating on the Chinese market.
SM: And the rest will be covering overseas business with me.
HS: Yes how you want to allocate individual countries is up to you.
SM: OK, we also need to get everyone to submit their own action plan to us by the end of the first week.
HS: the end of the first week might be a bit of a tall order maybe give them a few extra days.
SM: Fair enough. But I think each person needs to draw up a list of , say, the top 50 target customers within their geographic area.
HS: Right, Ive already got a pretty prehensive contact list that Ill be distributing to everybody.
SM: theyll still he to do quite a lot of research to get a list of 50 together, though.
HS: yes ,but it shouldnt be anything they cant handle.
SM: After that it will just be a case of getting on the phones and introducing HaiSports to the potential customers.
HS: Well Im going to do a session with everybody about how to present the pany properly.
SM: well let me know when youre going to do it so that I can put it in my diary.
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