When high-flying undergraduates he gone in search of prospective corporate employers, they he not usually had to look too far. The annual milk round of blue chip careers presentations has traditionally involved panies rolling into university campuses with canaps and crates of caber sauvignon.
But, with graduates facing one of the worst job markets in decades, students are taking the initiative by anising events for prospective employers themselves.
Katherine Lee, a 20-year-old third-year bioengineering undergraduate at the University of California, chairs Disciplines of Engineering Career Fair (DECaF), a job fair run solely by students, which attracted 70 high-tech and life science panies this year. Students should and are taking more of a lead on approaching employers because they recognise the recession will affect their job [chances], she says.
现年20岁的加州大学(University of California)生物工程专业大三学生凯瑟琳李(Katherine Lee)是工程类学科招聘会(Disciplines of Engineering Career Fair)的主席。这场完全由学生组织的招聘会,今年吸引到70家高科技和生命科学公司参与。李表示:学生们应该、并且正在更主动的与雇主接洽,因为他们意识到,经济衰退将会影响到他们的就业(机会)。
petition to bee involved in this years student recruitment event was fierce. I saw an increase in the number of volunteers this year [wanting] to be attached to the career fair as a lead-in to their [job] pitch.
Rivalry for places at the Alternative Investments Conference, held in January by students at the London School of Economics, was also intense, with 1,600 applicants fighting for 350 places. The annual event for students and financial institutions, which was started three years ago by the universitys private equities club, attracts an impressive roster of speakers this years event was headlined by Josef Ackermann, chief executive of Deutsche Bank.
今年1月,伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)的学生举办了另类投资会议(Alternative Investments Conference),与会资格的竞争也很激烈,1600名申请者要争夺350张入场券。这一面向学生和金融机构的年度活动是在3年前由该校私人股本俱乐部发起的。它吸引到的演讲者给人留下了深刻的印象,今年最受瞩目的演讲者是德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)首席执行官约瑟夫阿克曼(Josef Ackermann)。
LSE today is very different to the 1960s when students occupied the buildings, muses Akhil Chainwala, the clubs president, who is in his second year of an economics degree. Now we he the hedge fund society, business society and finance society. Participating in these clubs gives you a petitive edge when it es to getting a job as it helps make contacts.
与上世纪60年代时相比,伦敦政治经济学院现在已发生很大变化。60年代的学生都呆在象牙塔里,该俱乐部主席阿克赫钱恩瓦拉(Akhil Chainwala)若有所思的说,如今,我们成立了对冲基金俱乐部、商业俱乐部以及金融俱乐部。参与这些俱乐部可使你在求职时获得一种竞争优势,因为它有助于建立人际关系。钱恩瓦拉是经济学专业二年级学生。
While admission to the conference is free, the catch for participants, who e from universities round the world, is that they are selected by a student mittee on the basis of their academic credentials and experience in the sector most he done internships in banks or hedge funds.
Christina Li, president of Olin Business Schools council at Washington University, runs a road trip taking 40 paying students to meet panies including Deloitte, JPMan and Google. She agrees that petition for places will increase as the recession takes hold.
华盛顿大学(Washington University)奥林商学院(Olin Business School)学生委员会主席克里斯蒂娜李(Christina Li)组织了一次公司之旅,带领40名自付旅费的学生与包括德勤(Deloitte)、摩根大通(JPMan)和谷歌(Google)在内的公司会面。她认为,随着经济衰退站稳脚跟,对这类活动名额的争夺将更加激烈。
For the panies recruiting graduates, student-led events are extremely attractive. Randall Dillard, director at Liongate Capital Management, one of AICs sponsors,says: Its much more cost-effective for panies to attend this conference than get their HR staff to trek round the universities on the milk round.
一、Liongate Capital Management的主管兰德尔迪拉德(Randall Dillard)表示:与让公司人力资源部员工长途跋涉展开校园巡回招聘相比,参加这种招聘会对公司来说更具成本效益。
Gordon Chesterman, director of Cambridge University Careers Service, agrees that some panies are less likely to be active this year when it es to recruiting graduates.
剑桥大学职业服务(Cambridge University Careers Service)主管戈登切斯特曼(Gordon Chesterman)认为,在招聘大学毕业生方面,一些公司今年不太可能表现得很积极。
Were working hard at getting panies to advertise with us. In better times, they would e to us but now we he to knock on their doors. Its not that were able to make a job out of nothing; its just that they dont think, if theyve got three jobs on offer instead of 20, its worth ing in and doing a presentation.
Student events are more than just a way to cut costs. They provide panies with a chance to identify future stars. Mr Dillard explains his involvement in the AIC as a way to attract the best talent. The students attending the conference are preselected so we know they are keen and ambitious, he says. He says it is also a way of rooting out the dilettantes focused on high salaries. Its a way to tell them what finance is really like you he to work long hours and give up some of your social life.
Furthermore, it is also engaging for the speakers. Students ask blunt questions about ethics or regulation, he says. Weve been asked about influential books and risk. Its energising. It is a way of giving something back to the younger generation. You wouldnt get such high-level people at a mercial conference.
毕业生参加招聘会必胜须知1、要明确自身条件,不要眼高手低,更不能自卑。事先打印出简历,把自己的工作经历及求职意向清楚表达。在简历中把自己的联系方式注明,使用人单位能及时与你取得联系。 2、保证良...
如何合理利用招聘会【如何通过招聘会在密集的人群中给人事经理刘锡良好的映像呢?下面十大技巧帮助你取得成功。】1. Develop a mercial. 做商业广告。You he 30seconds to get an employer inte...
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