

11月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[五大办法让工作如同享受]与精力充沛的同事进行短暂的交谈 We all he those days when all we want is to crawl back in bed for a few more hours. Unfortunately, few of us he that luxury. The...+阅读

In a tight job market, building and maintaining an online presence is critical to working and job hunting. Done wrong, it can easily take you out of the running for most positions。


Here are five mistakes online job hunters make. 以下是网上求职者常犯的五个错误。

1. Overkill. 随意散布个人简介。

Blanketing social media works with half-done profiles acplishes nothing except to annoy the exact people you want to impress: prospective employees trying to find out more about on you。


One online profile done well is far more effective than several unpolished and inplete ones. There is just not enough time. Pick two or three, then cultivate a presence there。


Many people make the mistake of joining LinkedIn and other social media sites and then just letting their profiles sit publicly unfinished. Just signing up for an account simply isnt enough. At a bare minimum, make sure youre connected to at least 35 people and make sure your profile is 100 percent plete. Members with plete profiles are 40 times more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn。


2. Fetting manners. 忽视网络礼仪。

If you write a blog, you should assume that hiring managers and recruiters will read your updates and your posts. A December 2009 study by Microsoft Corp. found that 79% of hiring managers and job recruiters review online information about job applicants before making a hiring decision. Of those, 70% said that they he rejected candidates based on information that they found online. Top reasons listed? Concerns about lifestyle, inappropriate ments, and unsuitable photos and videos。


3. Not getting the word out. 没有把你正在找工作这个信息传递给别人。

When accounting firm Dixon Hughes recently had an opening for a business development executive, Emily Bennington, the panys director of marketing and development, posted a link to the opportunity on her fk page. I immediately got private emails from a host of people in my work, none of whom I knew were in the market for a new job, she says. I understand that there are privacy concerns when it es to job hunting, but if no one knows youre looking, thats a problem, too.

Dixon Hughes会计师事务所最近打算招聘一位业务拓展经理,市场及开发总监艾米丽本宁顿在自己的fk上添加了相关链接。她说,“很快我就收到一大群fk好友的私人邮件,我原来都不知道他们正在找工作。我知道在求职时需要考虑隐私问题,不过如果别人都不知道你正在找工作,那也是个问题。”

Changing this can be as simple as updating your status on LinkedIn and other social working sites to let people know that you are open to new positions.


If youre currently employed and dont want your boss to find out that youre looking, youll need to be more subtle. One way to do this is to give prospective employers a sense of how you might fit in.You canprepare a positioning, or personal brand statement, that depicts who you are, what you do, and what audience you serve, so that people get a feeling for how you can benefit their pany.


4. Quantity over quality. 重数量不重质量。

Choose connections wisely; only add people you actually know or with whom youve done business. Whether its on LinkedIn, fk or any other working site, its much more of a quality game than a quantity game. A recruiter may choose to contact one of your connections to ask about you; make sure that person is someone you know and trust.


And theres really no excuse for sending an automated, generic introduction. Taking the extra five to 10 seconds to write a line or two about how you know the other person and whyd youd like to connect to them can make the difference between them accepting or declining your connection request. It also doesnt hurt to mention that youre more than willing to help them or introduce them to other people in your work.


5. Online exclusivity. 仅仅通过网络寻求工作机会。

With the larger number of people currently unemployed (and under-employed), many employers are being inundated with huge numbers of applications for any positions they post. In order to limit the applicant pool, some he stopped posting positions on their websites and job boards.


Scouring the Web for a position and doing nothing else is rarely the best way to go. When job-seekers choose to search for jobs exclusively online- rather than also include in-person working-they may be missing out on hidden opportunities. Higher-level jobs are not posted as often as lower-level jobs online. In-person working may be needed to uncover these higher-level positions, which may be filled by executive recruiters.



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