[会计考试答题原则]1.要把握好做题原则。 总的做题原则:先做会做的,客观题每道题目不要超过2分钟。要把试卷上会做的题目全部做对,收入囊中,然后再去对付那些需要费些时间的难题,从而使得会做的题目...+阅读
1. you may be overqualified for the position we he to offer.
对策:strong panies need strong people. a growing, energetic pany is rarely unable to use its employees talents. emphasize your interest in a long-term association, pointing out that the employer will get a faster return on investment because you he more experience than required.
2. what is your management style?
对策:(if youve never thought about this, its high time you did.) open-door management is best and you get the job done on time or inform your management.
3. are you a good manager? give an example. why do you feel you he top managerial potential?
对策:keep your answer achievement- and task-oriented; emphasize management skills -- planning, anizing, interpersonal, etc.
4. what do you look for when you hire people?
对策:skills, initiative, adaptability.
5. did you ever fire anyone? if so, what were the reasons and how did you handle it?
对策:give a brief example of a time when you faced this, and stress that it worked out well.
6. what do you see as the most difficult task in being a manager?
对策:getting things planned and done on time within the budget.
7. what do your subordinates think of you?
对策:be honest and positivethey can check your responses easily.
8. what is your biggest weakness as a manager?
对策:be honest and end on a positive note, e.g. i dont enjoy reprimanding people, so i try to begin with something positive first.
选择题答题方法首先,通用职业道德试题分两类: 第一类为职业道德知识部分,这部分题和职业道德教材结合紧密,当遇到不能确定答案的问题时,可遵循不违法、不缺德的原则进行选择;第二部分为个人情况...
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逻辑推理简答题简答题 15:有七位年轻的女士,她们互相是好朋友,都信仰宗教,每周都要到同一个教堂去做祷告。但是由于信仰的程度不同,她们去教堂的次数也不相同。萨沙每天必去,琳达隔一天去一次,麦...
考场答题事项一、考试的时候,一定要将题目写在答题卡上。 二、单选题和多选题,一定要用2B铅笔涂黑。 三、试卷的代码一定要填上,否则电脑无法判分。 四、对于单选题: 1、要先把四个选项全都...
笔试的答题要求1.客观题。 (1)计划答题时间,保持稳定的答题速度。 考试开始时,应该看一看试题的份量,并且对每道题应占用的时间迅速作出估计。保持稳定的答题速度,也是很必要的,一般的做法是:首...
HR专业考试答题事项一、时间控制 125题目,90分钟,平均0.72分钟(43秒)1道题目。要快 不会的放过去。100分的题,能做完80%,正确率是80%,即可得到64分。要懂得放弃 直接答在答题卡上。可以节约510分钟...