A man who knows how to wear color well can really turn some heads. According to Kim Johnson Gross, co-founder of Chic Simple Ltd, men shouldn't be afraid of color but should embrace it. They should experiment even if it's just with shirt colors. Kim and I discussed this topic and we came up with several tips men need to know about wearing color。
一个有品位的男人应该知道如何挑选衣服的颜色。Kim Johnson Gross声称男人应该不要害怕亮色而应该接受它。他们应该从T恤的颜色开始学起。下面是一些关于男人需要知道的挑选衣服颜色的小贴士:
1.Especially wear color in summer 夏季最适合穿彩色衣服
Summer is such a festive time of year. Light and bright colors are de rigeur. So I advise you to choose a color that is your signature color for the season and one that enhances your natural skin and hair tone。
2.Stay away from beige colored shirts 远离米色的衬衣
Beige is a bad color for shirts or any article that is around the face. It is rarely a good color for someone. I don't know why designers continue to push this color on us. Just don't seccumb to the pressure。
3.French blue is always a good choice 法国蓝总是不错的选择
French blue, which is a rich medium blue, is a flattering color for most skin tones. It makes a great dress shirt, which is mainly where you will find this sumptuous hue。
让生命更加绚丽多姿一场七级地震的猝然袭击,一阵H7N9疫情的骤然降临,让一个个鲜活的生命像陨石一般地坠落,似鲜花一样地凋零。此时,我们不禁感叹,人的生命竟如此的脆弱,这般的经不起折腾。 面对逝去...